Research Outputs
從貨幣主義者觀點看貨幣政策在中國市場化進程中所扮演的角色 [2005]
潘志昌博士 ; 黃福建中國省份差異與經濟發展 [1998]
李樹甘博士 ; 陳慶年 ; 李崇高China's economic reforms and transformations in social structures: Some conceptual issues [1998]
Prof. HU Yao Su粵港經濟關係相互影響的實證分析 [2005]
李樹甘博士 ; 林志輝中國內地市場一體化進程的實證檢驗 [2006]
李樹甘博士 ; 胡佳賢博士青年就業及升學情況: 一項探討中五畢業生就業及升學狀況的研究 [2000]
崔志暉博士青年職前綜合培訓計劃 -- 「展翅計劃」研究調查 [2000]
崔志暉博士中國產業的結構調整對收入不均的影響 [2000]
袁偉基博士 ; 朱蘊齡A case of using "EconBlog" in teaching economics [2009]
Dr. YUEN Wai Kee, Thomas ; CHU Wan Ling香港早期的福建移民與福建社團 [2016]
Conference Materials
The effects of post-traumatic stress disorders on child development [2012]
Dr. CONNOLLY, J. PatrickThe School of Diplomats (445-221BC) and Its Place in the History of Ancient Chinese Psychology [2015]
Dr. FU WaiThe ego as a self-organising system: A systems theory perspective on Freud's energic metapsychology [2016]
Dr. CONNOLLY, J. Patrick從革命群英至「總理領導國民革命」: 民國建元至抗戰前後國史教科書的表述 [2016]
區志堅博士Peer assessment in ELT: A critical evaluation of peer review written by L2 learners in a private university in Hong Kong [2018]
Dr. WAN Yau Ni, JennyMarket-oriented relations in the digital era: A study of public relaitons and marketing professionals in Hong Kong [2018]
Dr. TONG Suk Chong, Crispy ; Chan, Fanny Fong YeeThe practices of market-oriented relations in Hong Kong in the digital era [2018]
Dr. TONG Suk Chong, Crispy ; Chan, Fanny Fong Yee"Maam, let me tell you our story": Analyzing interpersonal relationship and recount structure in American-Filipino call centre complaint conversations [2017]
Dr. WAN Yau Ni, JennyCultural imagination in Taiwan: Cultural imagination and nation building [2007]
Prof. CHAN Ching, SelinaHappiness and overweight: Panel data analysis on the differences between male and female [2019]
CHU Wan Ling ; Dr. YUEN Wai Kee, Thomas
The role of resilience on the consequences of loneliness in a stressful environment [2019]
Lau, Ka YingThe effect of Karate training on the stereotypic behaviour, social interaction and communication of the children with Autism Spectrum Disorder [2019]
Yip, Yick HongExploring the mediating roles of social comparison and social support in the association between parental social media use and distress: Testing an inconsistent mediation model [2019]
Chan, Ga Ying KathyAre psychotherapist trainees more willing to seeking psychological help than average college students? The roles of mental health literacy and self-stigma [2019]
Lin, ShiyanLate blooming lesbians and their perspectives on elderhood: A qualitative study [2019]
Ng, Chui Yim WendyExistential foundations of early adulthood: A phenomenological understanding of Levinson's theory of adult development [2019]
Kwok, Wai TengThe recollection of childhood experience with grandparental involvement: A qualitative study [2019]
Wong, Ching YuParental accompaniment of Hikikomori: Development and recovery process [2019]
So, Wing Lai Rose
Departments and Research Centres
By type
- 9205 Researcher profiles
- 5061 Publications
- 2187 Theses
- 1801 Journals
- 1574 Conference Materials
- 1408 Events
- 200 Fundings
- 37 Organizations