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Title: The effect of Karate training on the stereotypic behaviour, social interaction and communication of the children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Authors: Yip, Yick Hong 
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: Hong Kong: Hong Kong Shue Yan University
Abstract: The current study investigated the effect of Karate training on the stereotypic behaviour, social interaction and communication of the children with ASD. Twenty-six of ASD children aged 6-12 without the experience of Karate training were recruited to participate in the study through the online platform. There were 38.5 % of the ASD participants, 38.5% of the ASD participants occurring with ADHD, and 23.1 % of the ASD participants occurring with intellectual disability. The ASD participants received a total of 8 Karate training sessions during the summer time. The stereotypic behaviour, social interaction and communication of the ASD participants were assessed at pre- and postintervention. 3 months after, a structured phone-interview with the parents was conducted to investigate the effect of Karate on their ASD children. Results showed that Karate intervention is significantly improved the stereotypic behaviour of the ASD children. It is suggested that Karate intervention can be an alternative intervention for the ASD children. The effect of Karate training on the stereotypic behaviour, social interaction and communication of the children with Autism Spectrum Disorder.
Description: 75 pages
Type: Thesis
Appears in Collections:Counselling and Psychology - Theses

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