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Showing results 1 to 20 of 531  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Type
19971997.7.1 歷史的一天 : 香港回歸紀念攝影集林志明 ; 黃仲鳴教授 Book
2014200年日本史: 德川以來的近代化進程李朝津教授 Book
2015300.9 (F99)Dr. FU Wai Book
20123Q教出好孩子: 讓孩子擁抱AQ, EQ, FQ吳燕玲博士 ; 嚴鎮國 Book
2018ADR in Hong KongTo, Christopher ; SO Shun-Yan, Simon Book
2002Alternative theories of the firmBook
1999The Asian crisis and the EU's global responsibilitiesProf. HU Yao Su Book
1989Banking and the promotion of technological developmentProf. HU Yao Su ; Nicolas Jequier Book
2017Banking law and practice in Hong KongDr. WILSON Claire Book
2017Best scores solution to the catastrophe-bound environmentProf. YEUNG Wing Kay, David ; Petrosyan, Leon A. ; Zhang, Yingxuan ; Cheung, Francis Book
2014Brian-body interactions: Contemporary outcome prediction in aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage using Bayesian neural networks and fuzzy logicLo, Benjamin W. Y. ; Fukuda, Hitoshi ; Nishimura, Yusuke ; Dr. WAN Yee Yin, Adolphus ; Lo, Aurora W. M. Book
2009A brighter side: Protective and risk factors in the rehabilitation of chronic drug abusers in Hong KongProf. CHEUNG Yuet-Wah Book
2024Bubbles and behavioral financeDr. TANG Chi Ho, Edward ; Dr. WOO Kai Yin ; HON Tai Yuen, Kurt ; Dr. AU Wing Kwong ; Wong, Wing-keung ; Wu, Hok Fu Book
2011Building our sustainable citiesProf. LI Yi Man, Rita Book
2015Building temples in China: memories, tourism, and identitiesProf. CHAN Ching, Selina ; Lang, Graeme Book
2020Butterworths Hong Kong public order law handbook - first editionSC, Philip Dykes ; Tam, Jeffrey ; Yeung, Geoffrey ; Yu, Emily ; Yip, Micky ; SO Shun-Yan, Simon ; Mui, Angela Book
2022The Cambridge Handbook of working memory and languageSchwieter, John ; Prof. WEN Zhisheng, Edward Book
1994Care in the Chinese community: The way aheadDr. AU Wing Kwong ; Au, Kerrie P. K. Lin Book
2022《character / character》Picture BookDr. CHAN Chi Ying, Michelle Book