Conference Materials

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Item hits:
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Type
12012The effects of post-traumatic stress disorders on child developmentDr. CONNOLLY, J. Patrick Presentation
22015The School of Diplomats (445-221BC) and Its Place in the History of Ancient Chinese PsychologyDr. FU Wai Presentation
310-Apr-2015Phonetic variation of the production of English dental fricatives by Hong Kong Cantonese speakers of English: The significance of social classDr. LEUNG Ming Ming, Grace Presentation
42016The ego as a self-organising system: A systems theory perspective on Freud's energic metapsychologyDr. CONNOLLY, J. Patrick Presentation
52016從革命群英至「總理領導國民革命」: 民國建元至抗戰前後國史教科書的表述區志堅博士 Presentation
62019University e-learning platform: Exploring patterns of lexical stance markers in online group discussionDr. WAN Yau Ni, Jenny Presentation
72018Exploring university students' peer review competence: A preliminary study of cognitive and affective feedback in language assessmentDr. WAN Yau Ni, Jenny Presentation
82018Peer assessment in ELT: A critical evaluation of peer review written by L2 learners in a private university in Hong KongDr. WAN Yau Ni, Jenny Presentation
92018Market-oriented relations in the digital era: A study of public relaitons and marketing professionals in Hong KongDr. TONG Suk Chong, Crispy ; Chan, Fanny Fong Yee Presentation
102018The practices of market-oriented relations in Hong Kong in the digital eraDr. TONG Suk Chong, Crispy ; Chan, Fanny Fong Yee Presentation