
Results 451-500 of 17785
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Item hits:
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Type
12011Should dyslexic children stop copying? Exploring the relationship between word reading, copying and dictationDr. KWAN Pun-lok, David ; Tse, Hannah Man-Yan ; Ho, Connie Suk-Han Presentation
22011The scope of "amount of compensation" dispute-resolution clauses in investment treatiesDr. WILSON Claire ; Weeramantry, J. Romesh Book Chapter
32003Guerrilla entrepreneurship and Hong Kong's economic dynamicsProf. YU Fu Lai, Tony Book Chapter
42013Hong Kong mediation ordinance: Commentary and annotationsDr. WILSON Claire Book
52012香港是我家: 近二十年來香港中華書局綜合性及多元化的發展區志堅博士 Book Chapter
62003Coordination and industrial organization: South Korea's chaebols versus Taiwan's small enterprisesProf. YU Fu Lai, Tony Book Chapter
71986心理檔案孫天倫教授 Book
81988現代孟母訓練班: 教你如何與子女溝通孫天倫教授 Book
92006科幻之美.美之科幻王建元教授 Book Chapter
101988人上人訓練班: 教你增強自信孫天倫教授 Book
119-Apr-2015Conversational code-switching: Creative performance among bilingual speakersDr. LEE Sherman Presentation
122009金融海嘯下預期就業安穩信心及預期經濟前景對香港市民消費意欲的影響王志寶博士 ; 梁詩明 Book Chapter
132012果欄故事: 油麻地果欄口述歷史研究計劃區志堅博士 ; 羅永生博士 Research Report
142013花、竹、鳥、蟲題詠與不犯正位: 黃庭堅題畫詩"禪思與詩思"之研究張高評教授 Book Chapter
152012企業家的動態學習過程: 許文龍及其奇美集團的個案研究余赴禮教授 ; 陳善瑜 Book Chapter
162010圖解香港史(遠古至一九四九年)周子峰博士 Book
172002宋詩特色研究張高評教授 Book
182011Happiness, economic processes and wellbeing integration: A comparative analysis on Beijing, Guangdong, Hong Kong and TaiwanDr. YUEN Wai Kee, Thomas ; Greene, Mark Book Chapter
192009From financial tsunami to the banking and financial industry in Hong Kong: The human resource management perspectiveDr. YOUNG Yuk Fun, Fanny Book Chapter
202011Global market forces and speculative bubbles in Hong KongWONG Fuk Kin, Joe ; Dr. YUEN Wai Kee, Thomas Book Chapter
212009金融海嘯下,女性如何面對裁員潮﹖羅麗娟博士 Book Chapter
222011The effect of the clawback mechanism on IPO underpricing in Hong KongDr. TAI Hok Man, Alex Book Chapter
232015市場營銷及公關中文寫作唐淑莊博士 Book
242011春秋書法與左傳史筆張高評教授 Book
252007中國近代金融研究: 中國通商銀行研究林援森博士 Book
262014東區積極人生計劃2014活動報告書Research Report
271996香港人難分辨的普通話字、詞讀音2000例李娥珍 Book
282000會通化成與宋代詩學張高評教授 Book
292000Guanxi and professional conduct in China: A management development perspectiveWright, Philip ; SZETO Wing Fu, Ricky ; Cheng T. W. Louis Working Paper
302000中國"入世"後對中醫藥業的影響韓大遠 ; 胡佳賢博士 Book Chapter
312015東區積極人生計劃2014至2015活動及評估報告書Research Report
322009The politics of patriarchal bargaining in a Chinese villageDr. CHEUNG Siu-Keung Working Paper
332016Consciousness: How we perceive and become aware of our worldDr. LI Wang On, Alex Book Chapter
342015University students' socially responsible values and capacities for service leadershipDr. CHEUNG Wai Leung, Raysen ; Leung, Joan Y.H. ; Chow, Hang Book Chapter
352012「國情教育」和「大陸研究」: 論港台兩地當代中國課程的發展黃嘉康博士 Book Chapter
362012從香港十八區風物志探討本土歷史與文化彭淑敏博士 Book Chapter
372012世界歷史及非中國歷史的教學體驗: 以樹仁大學歷史系為例羅玉芬 Book Chapter
382017南丫島口述歷史計劃工作坊教材套Research Report
392015北學南移: 港台文史哲溯源 1949 (文化卷)Book
402015北學南移: 港台文史哲溯源 1949 (學人卷II)Book
412012香港本地歷史文化知識的教與學: 屏山文物徑與專題研習區志堅博士 Book Chapter
422012史籍文獻與中國古代史教學: 以隋唐史為例羅永生博士 Book Chapter
431997文心雕龍新探張少康教授 Book
442016唐宋題畫詩及其流韻張高評教授 Book
452014龍總顯威: 九龍總商會75年發展史區志堅博士 Book
462003思考攻略趙子明博士 ; 盧傑雄 ; 呂子德 Book
472011王昭君形象之轉化與創新: 史傳、小說、詩歌、雜劇之流變張高評教授 Book
481998香港詩情洪肇平老師 ; 何文滙 ; 何乃文 Book
492015Fostering career explorationDr. CHEUNG Wai Leung, Raysen Book Chapter
501982左傳之文學價值張高評教授 Book
Results 451-500 of 17785