Research Outputs
Item hits:
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Type | |
1 | 2008 | Themes in Chinese psychology | Prof. SUN Tien Lun, Catherine | Book |
2 | 2008 | Embeddedness and virtual community: Chinese women and online shopping | Dr. GAO Chong | Book Chapter |
3 | 2008 | The exchange of interpersonal meaning in call centre conversations | Dr. WAN Yau Ni, Jenny | Working Paper |
4 | 2008 | 不是報道 | 蘇啟智 | Book |
5 | 2008 | 凍結的時間,凍結的空間: 後九七香港研究的警示 | 張少強博士 | Peer Reviewed Journal Article |
6 | 2008 | 移民創業,非正式經濟與地方政治: 以廣州城郊的服裝加工區為例 | 高崇博士 | Peer Reviewed Journal Article |
7 | 2008 | The future of relationship marketing in a Chinese environment - Using the banking industry as an illustration | Dr. LAM Che Fai, Lubanski ; Kong, Yuen Shan Gillian | Peer Reviewed Journal Article |
8 | 2008 | 從信件到主體: 從拉康的《關於被竊的信的座談會》一文看拉康精神分析學派中的主體性理論 | 符瑋博士 ; 周穎聰 ; 謝昭銳 | Peer Reviewed Journal Article |
9 | 2008 | Assessing the displacement effects of the Internet | Lee, Paul S. N. ; Prof. LEUNG Wing Chi, Louis | Peer Reviewed Journal Article |
10 | 2008 | 探討不同類型組織公正與員工的組織支持認知和組織認同的關係 -- 以香港工程界作為實證研究對象 | 羅翠翠 ; 伍志豪 ; 張鳳儀 | Peer Reviewed Journal Article |
By type
- 9180 Researcher profiles
- 5051 Publications
- 2187 Theses
- 1793 Journals
- 1567 Conference Materials
- 1404 Events
- 200 Fundings
- 37 Organizations
- 1 Communities China Hong Kong.
- 1 Credit unions China Hong Kong.
- 1 Education and state China Hong Ko...
- 1 Education China Hong Kong History...
- 1 E‐auction
- 1 Going public (Securities) China H...
- 1 Investment analysis China Hong Kong.
- 1 Investments China Hong Kong.
- 1 Journalistic writing processes
- 1 Judges Legal status, Laws, etc. C...
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