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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Type
12019五四與中國婦女解放彭淑敏博士 Book Chapter
22019五四時期另一種「新文化」: 留美學人劉伯明、吳宓與人文精神在南高之流播區志堅博士 Book Chapter
32019反叛的政治與發憤的抒情: 魯迅的革命抒情詩學王家琪博士 Book Chapter
42019Reality is hierarchically organized: The recursive foundations of living systems and beyondDr. CONNOLLY, J. Patrick Book Chapter
52019龍城.濃情區志堅博士 ; 林浩琛 Book
62019Help-seeking attitudes, locus of control, and emotional expressivity in Hong Kong and Western peopleChan, Raise Kim-Lui ; Dr. THOMPSON Nigel ; Prof. YU Kai Ching, Calvin Peer Reviewed Journal Article
72019論法國新小說家羅伯 -- 格里耶與當代中文文學的「非人性化」實驗: 以六七十年代香港文學及八十年代末中國當代文學為例王家琪博士 Peer Reviewed Journal Article
82019Association between body mass index and happiness in Africa, the Russian commonwealth, Europe, Latin America, and South AsiaDr. YUEN Wai Kee, Thomas ; CHU Wan Ling Peer Reviewed Journal Article
92019Special issue on family and consumer economics in Asia: Introduction and editorial overviewDr. POON Che Cheong ; Dr. TANG Chi Ho, Edward Peer Reviewed Journal Article
102019Cross-border to Taiwan but not China: The decision-making mechanism of Hong Kong students pursuing higher education in TaiwanChoy, Wai Ching ; Dr. LAU Pui Yan, Flora Peer Reviewed Journal Article