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Director of Minor Programmes
Chair, Quality Assurance Committee (QAC)
Associate Director, Wan Chow Yuk Fan Centre for Interdisciplinary Evidence Based Practice & Research (CIEBPR)
Dr. Wong Ka Ki
Chinese Name
Personal Site
Research Interests
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Results 1-20 of 44

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Type
12024香港1970年代左派雜誌《海洋文藝》的拉丁美洲文學譯介王家琪博士 Peer Reviewed Journal Article
22023Studying literary translations in periodicals: Methodological reflection and case studies from the 1970-80s in Hong KongDr. Wong Ka Ki Peer Reviewed Journal Article
32023Cultural identity and translations in periodicals: Latin American literature in Hong Kong magazinesDr. Wong Ka Ki Conference Paper
42023Tidings from the third world: literary translation in 1970s Hong Kong leftist magazinesDr. Wong Ka Ki Conference Paper
52023Studying literary translations in periodicals: Methodological reflection and case studies from the 1970s–1980s Hong KongDr. Wong Ka Ki Conference Paper
62023Translated revolutions: Translation of Latin American literature in the 1970s Hong Kong left-wing literary fieldDr. Wong Ka Ki Conference Paper
72022第三世界風潮: 香港1970年代左翼刊物的拉丁美洲文學譯介王家琪博士 Conference Paper
82022A heterogeneous Asian city on the back of Chinese nationalism: Leung Ping-kwan and Hong Kong postcolonial and post-nationalist hybridityDr. Wong Ka Ki Conference Paper
92022Review of Fólica, Roig-Sanz & Caristia (2020): Literary Translation in Periodicals: Methodological challenges for a transnational approachDr. Wong Ka Ki Peer Reviewed Journal Article
102021也斯的香港故事: 文學史論述研究王家琪博士 Book
112021淺論文學雜誌在典律化建構中的角色王家琪博士 Conference Paper
122021香港文學的都市論述及其邊界王家琪博士 Conference Paper
132021Teaching Hong Kong in a silenced time: Experience sharing on teaching Hong Kong literatureDr. Wong Ka Ki Conference Paper
142021Dialogues between Hong Kong and the World: A study of the literary translations of Leung Ping-kwan and William TayDr. Wong Ka Ki Conference Paper
152021何福仁專訪 (一): 從《詩風》到《羅盤》的編輯往事王家琪博士 Other Article
162021何福仁專訪 {二): 從詩到散文的寫作經驗王家琪博士 Other Article
172021何福仁專訪(三): 貓奴與西西王家琪博士 Other Article
182020香港文學的都市論述及其邊界王家琪博士 Peer Reviewed Journal Article
192020也斯的香港後殖民文學與論述王家琪博士 Peer Reviewed Journal Article
202020素葉四十年: 回顧及研究王家琪博士 Book

(Principal Investigator)

Results 1-1 of 1