Conference Materials

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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Type
12018Peer assessment in ELT: A critical evaluation of peer review written by L2 learners in a private university in Hong KongDr. WAN Yau Ni, Jenny Presentation
22018Market-oriented relations in the digital era: A study of public relaitons and marketing professionals in Hong KongDr. TONG Suk Chong, Crispy ; Chan, Fanny Fong Yee Presentation
32018The practices of market-oriented relations in Hong Kong in the digital eraDr. TONG Suk Chong, Crispy ; Chan, Fanny Fong Yee Presentation
42018Drug-Protein-Disease Association Prediction and Drug Repositioning Based on Tensor DecompositionWang, Ran ; Li, Shuai ; Wong, Man-Hon ; Prof. LEUNG Kwong Sak Conference Paper
52018Multi-objective Multiple Quadcopter Path Planning in Urban CityLo, Kin Ming ; Lo, Leung Yau ; Wong, Pak-Kan ; Prof. LEUNG Kwong Sak Conference Paper
62018Accelerating Drug Discovery Using Convolution Neural Network Based Active LearningLiu, Pengfei ; Prof. LEUNG Kwong Sak Conference Paper
72018A resilience building programme for Hong Kong police officersDr. LAU Kam Lun, Edmond Presentation
82018Acculturation and identity in an Asian Context: The case of ethnic minority youth in Hong KongProf. HUE Ming Tak ; Bhowmik, M. J. Conference Paper
92018Managing diversity and ethnic minority education at EdU HKProf. HUE Ming Tak Conference Paper
102018A comparison of the capacities of VR and 360-Degree video for coordinating memory in the experience of cultural heritageDr. CAI Shengdan ; Eugene Ch’ng ; Yue Li Conference Paper