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Showing results 8 to 27 of 31 < previous   next >
NameChinese NameResearch Interests
Dr. FU Wai符瑋博士Gambling Prevention; Critical Psychology; Qualitative Research Methodology; Psychoanalysis (Freud, Winnicott, Lacan); History of Psychology (School of Names, Hypnosis movement in Republican China); Psychology of music
Dr. HARRISON Mark G.Wellbeing in schools; School counselling
Prof. HUE Ming Tak許明德教授School Guidance; Behavioral Management; Diversity and Inclusion; Equity; Classroom Management; Qualitative Research Methods; Ethnic Minority; Educational Counselling
Dr. KWOK Ka Yiu, DanielMarriage and Family Therapy; Family with chronic illness member; Financial Counselling; Gambling Counselling
Dr. LAI Ching-han, Lufanna黎靜嫻博士Psychology of religion; Quality of life, Subjective wellbeing, Cross-cultural differences in subjective wellbeing
Dr. LAM Yin-Hung, BessAntisocial behavior; Gut-brain connection; Mental Health in underprivileged individuals; Neurocriminology; Neuropsychology; Schizophrenia-spectrum disorders; Youth mental health
Dr. LAU Hi Po, BoboReproductive health; Gerontology; Holistic interventions; Family caregiving; Community mental health; Chronic illnesses
Dr. LAU Kam Lun, EdmondPositive psychology; Police psychology; Criminal behaviours; Community mental health
Dr. LEUNG Mei-kei, MikiMental health and resilience; Children’s Play; Consciousness; Compassion and mindfulness; Disorders of social cognition including autism, depression and schizophrenia; Social, cognitive and affective neuroscience; Strength-based intervention; Self-other distinction and connection
Dr. LI Wang On, Alex李允安博士Cognitive Neuroscience; Perception; Emotion
Dr. LIN M. Muriel林孟儀博士Schema therapy and theory; Mental health issues in adult; Cognitive and behavioral theory and therapy
Dr. LO Lap YanConsciousness; Evolution
Dr. NALIPAY Ma. Jenina N.Educational Psychology; Clinical Psychology
Dr. NGAI Tsz-kin, JoeHuman-Animal Interaction; Child Education; Cyberpsychology; Positive Psychology; Animal Assisted Intervention; Humane Education; Gamification; One Health
Dr. RASHIDNIA JafarCross-cultural psychology; Social psychology; Psychological disorders and mental health; Personality psychology and individual differences; Forensic psychology and criminal behavior; Trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder
Prof. SUN Tien Lun, Catherine孫天倫教授Taoist and Buddhist Psychotherapy; Psychology of Branding; Chinese Psychology; Chinese Psychotherapy; Early Intervention in SEN children
Dr. SUNG Kwan-Kit, MarcoDreaming; Gender; LGBT+
Dr. TAN Yaqian, Yannie譚雅倩博士Mindfulness-based intervention on learning disabilities and caregivers; Chinese developmental dyslexia; Chinese character learning and related difficulties; Cognitive development
Prof. TANG So Kum, Catherine鄧素琴教授Life Adversity and Trauma Psychology; Psychological Intervention outcome; Behavior Addiction and Health Psychology; Family Violence; Women’s Health & Violence Against Women
Dr. THOMPSON NigelHealth Outcomes in Pediatric Asthma– Pathways Of Effect; Caregiver Dispositional Mindfulness