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Assistant Professor
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Research Interests
School counselling
Wellbeing in schools
Harrison, M. G.
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Results 1-20 of 45

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Type
12025School climate and teacher wellbeing: The role of basic psychological need satisfaction in student- and school-related domainsDr. HARRISON Mark G. ; Wang, Yi ; Cheng, Anna S. ; Tam, Chloe Ka Yi ; Pan, Yi-Ling ; King, Ronnel B. Peer Reviewed Journal Article
22025School counselling in East and South-east Asia challenges and opportunitiesDr. HARRISON Mark G. ; Lee, Queenie A. Y. ; Yu, James L. H. Edited Book
32025Pioneering an experiential training programme for career counsellors and facilitators in Hong Kong: Design, programme development and challengesLee, Queenie A. Y. ; Yu, James L. H. ; Dr. HARRISON Mark G. Book Chapter
42025Introduction: School counselling in East and Southeast AsiaDr. HARRISON Mark G. ; Lee, Queenie A. Y. ; Yu, James L. H. Book Chapter
52025Expressiveness versus genuineness: Hong Kong teachers’ perceptions of gratitude in local and international schoolsDr. HARRISON Mark G. ; Ying, J. ; Briffett-Aktas, C. ; Tsui, G. ; Cheng, A. S. ; Jackson, L. Peer Reviewed Journal Article
62025ConclusionDr. HARRISON Mark G. ; Lee, Queenie A. Y. ; Yu, James L. H. Book Chapter
72024The influence of professional identity on partnerships between private school counsellors and parents in the PhilippinesDr. HARRISON Mark G. ; King, Ronnel B. ; Hocson, Sheila Marie G. Peer Reviewed Journal Article
82024“If they talk to the counsellor, at least I know they have some way out”: Parents’ perceptions of school counselling in Hong KongDr. HARRISON Mark G. ; Cheung, King Fai ; Tam, Chloe Ka Yi ; Cheng, Anna Susanne ; Yeung, Susanna Siu-sze Peer Reviewed Journal Article
92024Chinese and non-Chinese parents’ perceptions of school counselling in Hong Kong: A mixed-methods cross-cultural comparisonDr. HARRISON Mark G. ; Wang, Y. ; Yeung, S. S. ; King, R. B. Peer Reviewed Journal Article
102024Developing the professional identity of school counsellors in the Asia Pacific: Challenges and ways forwardDr. HARRISON Mark G. ; Kee, Low Poi Peer Reviewed Journal Article
112023The subjective wellbeing of expatriate international school teachers in Hong Kong: An exploratory study into the influence of school-level factorsDr. HARRISON Mark G. ; Hou, Wai Kai Peer Reviewed Journal Article
122023The roles of school counsellors in the Philippines: Challenges and opportunitiesDr. HARRISON Mark G. ; King, Ronnel B. ; Hocson, Sheila Marie G. Peer Reviewed Journal Article
132023A comparative study of international and local school teacher's perceptions and enactments of humility in Hong KongDr. HARRISON Mark G. ; Briffett-Aktas, Carla ; Ying, Ji ; Tsui, Gordon ; Cheng, Anna Susanne ; Jackson, Liz Peer Reviewed Journal Article
142023Counselling support for the mental health of children in Hong kong’s international schools during the covid-19 pandemic: Parents’ perspectivesDr. HARRISON Mark G. ; Tam, Chloe Ka Yi ; Yeung, Susanna Siu-sze Peer Reviewed Journal Article
152023School counselling in Hong Kong: a profession in need of an identityDr. HARRISON Mark G. Peer Reviewed Journal Article
162023Satisfied teachers are good teachers: The association between teacher job satisfaction and instructional qualityDr. HARRISON Mark G. ; King, Ronnel B. ; Wang, Hui Peer Reviewed Journal Article
172023Teachers’ conceptions of gratitude and its cultivation in schools in ChinaDr. HARRISON Mark G. ; Ying, Ji ; Fei Yan ; Liz Jackson Peer Reviewed Journal Article
182023Academic and social skills building seminar and gratitude interventionDr. NALIPAY Ma. Jenina N. ; Frondozo, Cherry E. ; Dr. HARRISON Mark G. ; King, Ronnel B. Book Chapter
192023Chinese parents’ perceptions of school counselling in Hong Kong: A mixed-methods crosscultural comparisonDr. HARRISON Mark G. ; King, R. B. ; Yi, W. ; Yeung, S. S. Conference Paper
202022The experiences of school counsellors in Hong Kong: implications for policy innovationDr. HARRISON Mark G. ; Dr. FU Wai ; Cheung, Jacky K. F. Peer Reviewed Journal Article

(Principal Investigator)

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