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Associate Head (Undergraduate Studies)
Research Coordinator of PsyD-CoP Programme
Research Coordinator of BSS (Hons) in Psychology Programme
Prof. HUE Ming Tak
Chinese Name
Personal Site
Research Interests
Diversity and Inclusion
Ethnic Minority
Educational Counselling
School Guidance
Behavioral Management
Classroom Management
Qualitative Research Methods
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Results 1-20 of 157

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Type
12024香港支援有特殊教育需要兒童的政策和文化背景許明德教授 Book Chapter
22023Behavioural acculturation of young Pakistani students in Hong Kong: A qualitative inquiryKarim, Shahid ; Prof. HUE Ming Tak Peer Reviewed Journal Article
32023Determinants of ethnic minority students’ sense of belonging in Hong Kong: Teachers’ narratives and perspectivesKarim, Shahid ; Prof. HUE Ming Tak Peer Reviewed Journal Article
42023Inclusive education: Equal opportunities for allProf. HUE Ming Tak Book Chapter
52022Design-based research on teacher facilitation in a pedagogic integration of flipped learning and social enquiry learningJong, Morris Siu Yung ; Chen, Gaowei ; Tam, Vincent ; Prof. HUE Ming Tak ; Chen, Mengyuan Peer Reviewed Journal Article
62022Acculturation and sense of belonging: A study of young Pakistani students in Hong KongKarim, Shahid ; Prof. HUE Ming Tak Peer Reviewed Journal Article
72022Instilling the need for academic honesty into Hong Kong university students: How well are we doing?Wu, Joseph ; Chui, Wing Hong ; Yau, Anthony ; Prof. HUE Ming Tak Peer Reviewed Journal Article
82022Enculturation of immigrants in multicultural contexts: A case of young Pakistani students in Hong KongKarim, Shahid ; Prof. HUE Ming Tak Peer Reviewed Journal Article
92022Whole-school approaches to building inclusive classroom and schoolProf. HUE Ming Tak ; Karim, Shahid Book Chapter
102022Educational policies on the promotion of inclusion in Hong Kong schoolsProf. HUE Ming Tak Book Chapter
112022Global perspectives and the challenge of inclusive educationKarim, Shahid ; Prof. HUE Ming Tak Book Chapter
122022Developing a sense of belonging among ethnic minority youth in Hong Kong: Challenges and opportunitiesKarim, Shahid ; Prof. HUE Ming Tak Conference Paper
132022Researching ethnic minority lives in multicultural contexts: A methodological inquiry in acculturationKarim, Shahid ; Prof. HUE Ming Tak Peer Reviewed Journal Article
142022The effective functioning of SENCO in Hong KongProf. HUE Ming Tak Book Chapter
152022Supporting diverse students in Asian inclusive classrooms: From policies and theories to practiceEdited Book
162022Ethnic minority identities and citizenship in a Chinese-dominant society: Theoretical and institutional frameworksBhowmik, Miron Kumar ; Kennedy, Kerry J. ; Prof. HUE Ming Tak ; Ng, Hoi Yu Peer Reviewed Journal Article
172021Acculturative challenges among Pakistani secondary school students in Hong KongKarim, Shahid ; Prof. HUE Ming Tak ; Ullah, Rizwan Peer Reviewed Journal Article
182021Life education, positive education, and character education in Greater China: Theory, research, and practiceProf. HUE Ming Tak Book Chapter
192021Why students plagiarise: Corrupted morals or failed education?Wu, Joseph Keung Fai ; Chui, Eric Wing Hong ; Prof. HUE Ming Tak ; Yau, Anthony Conference Paper
202021Gamification of flipped classroom: FIBER vs. G-FIBERJong, Morris Siu Yung ; Chen, Gaowei ; Tam, Vincent W. L. ; Prof. HUE Ming Tak ; Chen, Mengyuan ; Weng, Xiaojing Conference Paper