Research Outputs

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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Type
12022The learning strategy of third language (L3) university students for the Korean language: A study of Chinese studentsDr. DOS SANTOS Luis Miguel, Louis Peer Reviewed Journal Article
22020Pre-service teachers’ pedagogical development through the peer observation professional development programmeDr. DOS SANTOS Luis Miguel, Louis Peer Reviewed Journal Article
32020Culture Stress and Difficulties: Lived Stories of Teenaged Mothers in MacauDr. DOS SANTOS Luis Miguel, Louis Peer Reviewed Journal Article
42017如何協助澳門非華裔少數族群居民更好地融入澳門社區:菲律賓裔外嫁女士跨文化通婚及其作為澳門人的身份認同研究Dr. DOS SANTOS Luis Miguel, Louis Peer Reviewed Journal Article
52022Completing student-teaching internships online: Instructional changes during the COVID-19 pandemicDr. DOS SANTOS Luis Miguel, Louis Book Chapter
62017從"澳門土生土語"使用者的角度探討如何保育、推廣和傳承"澳門土生土語"於澳門的永續發展Dr. DOS SANTOS Luis Miguel, Louis Peer Reviewed Journal Article
72022Refusing the implementation of information technology governance and information technology development in higher education institutions: Voices from senior leadersDr. DOS SANTOS Luis Miguel, Louis ; Kwee, Ching Ting Tany Book Chapter
82023Sources of stress, burnout, and career decisions of male health and nursing professionals: A qualitative inquiry of the challenges during the COVID-19 pandemicDr. DOS SANTOS Luis Miguel, Louis Peer Reviewed Journal Article
92022How do international students study for their university degree programme using technologically-assisted tools and platforms?: A study about the education voyage during the COVID-19 pandemicDr. DOS SANTOS Luis Miguel, Louis Book Chapter
102022The relationships between gender, social expectation, and decision-making processes of engineering studentsDr. DOS SANTOS Luis Miguel, Louis Peer Reviewed Journal Article