Dr. DOS SANTOS Luis Miguel, Louis

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Assistant Professor
Dr. DOS SANTOS Luis Miguel, Louis
Personal Site
Research Interests
Career decisions
Decision-making processes
Diaspora (Chinese and Korean)
Discrimination and bias in education
Foreign language teaching and learning
International student and faculty member
Motivation of learning
School human resources management and training
Second career-changing teachers
Social cognitive learning
Stress and burnout
Teacher’s professional development
Turnover and retention
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Results 1-20 of 79

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Type
12024The double-edged sword of shame: Hindrance and catalyst for immigrant teachers’ career developmentKwee, Ching Ting Tany ; Dr. DOS SANTOS Luis Miguel, Louis ; Lo, Ho Fai Peer Reviewed Journal Article
22024Motivation of STEM doctoral students integrating sustainable development goal 14: Life below water into their research: An international studyKwee, Ching Ting Tany ; Dr. DOS SANTOS Luis Miguel, Louis Conference Paper
32024Motivations, career decisions, and decision-making processes of mid-aged master of social work studentsDr. DOS SANTOS Luis Miguel, Louis ; Lo, Ho Fai Peer Reviewed Journal Article
42024Motivations for learning Chinese as a foreign language: A case study in BelgiumDr. DOS SANTOS Luis Miguel, Louis Peer Reviewed Journal Article
52024Experiences and sense-making processes of online teaching internship: A master of teaching programmeDr. DOS SANTOS Luis Miguel, Louis Peer Reviewed Journal Article
62024From upper-level professional engineers to secondary engineering teachers: A study of pre-service second-career teachers in Australia and the United StatesDr. DOS SANTOS Luis Miguel, Louis Peer Reviewed Journal Article
72024Australia as the destination for study abroad: International students’ mobilityDr. DOS SANTOS Luis Miguel, Louis ; Lo, Ho Fai ; Kwee, Ching Ting Tany Peer Reviewed Journal Article
82024From traditional-aged students to teenage fathers: A qualitative study of social challenges and experiences of East Asian second-generation teenage fathersDr. DOS SANTOS Luis Miguel, Louis ; Lo, Ho Fai ; Kwee, Ching Ting Tany Peer Reviewed Journal Article
92024Cultivating culturally responsive self-efficacy in South Korean pre-service STEM teachers: Addressing skill shortages in educationDr. DOS SANTOS Luis Miguel, Louis ; Kwee, Ching Ting Tany ; Lo, Ho Fai Book Chapter
102024The relationship between social stigma and career decisions of individualized and freelance male sex workersDr. DOS SANTOS Luis Miguel, Louis ; Lo, Ho Fai Peer Reviewed Journal Article
112023A systematic review on evaluation standards of blended learning and teaching: Trends, gaps and future directionsZhao, Hangfei ; Fan, Ping ; She, Xiongfei ; Dr. DOS SANTOS Luis Miguel, Louis ; Zhou, Yi ; Chen, Yongchuan ; Lo, Ho Fai ; Wu, Jiabao ; Guo, Tao ; Kwee, Ching Ting Tany Conference Paper
122023The relationships between sleep disorders, burnout, stress and coping strategies of health professionals during the COVID-19 pandemic: A literature reviewKwee, C.T.T. ; Dr. DOS SANTOS Luis Miguel, Louis Peer Reviewed Journal Article
132023Online teaching for young children with special needs during the COVID-19 pandemicZhou, Yi ; Dr. DOS SANTOS Luis Miguel, Louis ; Wu, Jiabao ; Chen, Yongchuan ; Fan, Ping ; Zhao, Hangfei ; She, Xiongfei ; Guo, Tao ; Lo, Ho Fai ; Kwee, Ching Ting Tany Conference Paper
142023The self-efficacy and satisfaction of students in the digital learning environmentShe, Xiongfei ; Dr. DOS SANTOS Luis Miguel, Louis ; Zhou, Yi ; Zhao, Hangfei ; Fan, Ping ; Wu, Jiabao ; Lo, Ho Fai ; Chen, Yongchuan ; Guo, Tao ; Kwee, Ching Ting Tany Conference Paper
152023Analysis of online projectbased learning factors affecting the learning motivation of art design students in a higher vocational collegeWu, Jiabao ; Dr. DOS SANTOS Luis Miguel, Louis ; Lo, Ho Fai ; Kwee, Ching Ting Tany ; She, Xiongfei ; Zhao, Hangfei ; Fan, Ping ; Chen, Yongchuan ; Zhou, Yi ; Guo, Tao Conference Paper
162023Why should doctoral learners decide not to come back to on-campus study after the government re-opened the border: A qualitative inquiry of Mainland Chinese learners in MacauLo, Ho Fai ; Dr. DOS SANTOS Luis Miguel, Louis ; Kwee, Ching Ting Tany ; Fan, Ping ; Zhao, Hangfei ; She, Xiongfei ; Wu, Jiabao ; Zhou, Yi ; Guo, Tao ; Chen, Yongchuan Conference Paper
172023The motivations, career decisions, and decision-making processes of female students studying the professional doctorate in engineeringDr. DOS SANTOS Luis Miguel, Louis Peer Reviewed Journal Article
182023The relationship between environmental, outdoor and field education: A study in rural communitiesDr. DOS SANTOS Luis Miguel, Louis Peer Reviewed Journal Article
192023Second career teachers’ identity through schools and supervisors: A qualitative inquiryDr. DOS SANTOS Luis Miguel, Louis ; Kwee, Ching Ting Tany Conference Paper
202023The motivations and reasons why researchbased students pursued their online PhD during the COVID-19 pandemic: The future trends of online postgraduate research education beyond travelling restrictionsDr. DOS SANTOS Luis Miguel, Louis ; Lo, Ho Fai ; Kwee, Ching Ting Tany ; Chen, Yongchuan ; Fan, Ping ; Zhao, Hangfei ; She, Xiongfei ; Wu, Jiabao ; Zhou, Yi ; Guo, Tao Conference Paper