Dr. CHUNG Man-chi, Sandrine

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Assistant Professor
Evidence Base Project Coordinator, MSS in Play Therapy Programme
Director, Play Therapy Research and Practice Laboratory
Dr. CHUNG Man-chi, Sandrine
Chinese Name
Personal Site
Research Interests
Child development
Developmental psychology
Executive functioning in early childhood
Play and learning
Play therapy and its effectiveness
Interventions and emotional support for children with SEN and caregivers
Chung, M. C.
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Results 1-5 of 5

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Type
12023The power of sensory play on young children’s early development: Case studies and method insights from a parent aka toy developerYiu, Petrina ; Dr. CHUNG Man-chi, Sandrine Conference Paper
22023Enhancing physical affection between parents and children with special needsDr. CONNOLLY, J. Patrick ; Dr. CHUNG Man-chi, Sandrine ; Chan, Ka Hung Conference Paper
32023Stigmatized experience and coping strategies: Two case studies of parents with SEN children in Hong KongDr. CHUNG Man-chi, Sandrine ; Chan, Ka Hung Conference Paper
42023Expressive arts groups of love five languages for parents of children with SENDr. ZHOU Dehui, Ruth ; Lee, Angie ; Dr. CHUNG Man-chi, Sandrine Conference Paper
52019The effects of classroom activities on 5-year-old children’s story retelling performanceDr. CHUNG Man-chi, Sandrine Conference Paper

(Principal Investigator)

Results 1-1 of 1