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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Type
12021Care homes and COVID-19 in Hong Kong: How the lessons from SARS were used to good effectDr. CHOW Kit Ling, Lina Peer Reviewed Journal Article
22021Bonds and companionship: Efficacy of the picture books of the 2011 Great East Japan EarthquakeDr. CHAN Chi Ying, Michelle Book Chapter
32021Psycho-social factors associated with mental resilience in the Corona lockdownVeer, I. M. ; Riepenhausen, A. ; Zerban, M. ; Wackerhagen, C. ; Puhlmann, L. M. C. ; Engen, H. ; Kober, G. ; Bogemann, S. A. ; Weermeijer, J. ; Uscilko, A. ; Mor, N. ; Marciniak, M. A. ; Askelund, A. D. ; Al-Kamel, A. ; Ayash, S. ; Barsuola, G. ; Bartkute-Norkuniene, V. ; Battaglia, S. ; Bobko, Y. ; Bolte, S. ; Cardone, P. ; Chvojkova, E. ; Damnjanovic, K. ; De Calheiros Velozo, J. ; de Thurah, L. ; Deza-Araujo, Y. I. ; Dimitrov, A. ; Farkas, K. ; Feller, C. ; Gazea, M. ; Gilan, D. ; Gnjidic, V. ; Hajduk, M. ; Hiekkaranta, A. P. ; Hofgaard, L. S. ; Ilen, L. ; Kasanova, Z. ; Khanpour, M. ; Dr. LAU Hi Po, Bobo ; Lenferink, D. B. ; Lindhardt, T. B. ; Magas, D. A. ; Mituniewicz, J. ; Moreno-Lopez, L. ; Muzychka, S. ; Ntafouli, M. ; O'Leary, A. ; Paparella, I. ; Poldver, N. ; Rintala, A. ; Robak, N. ; Rosicka, A. M. ; Roysamb, E. ; Sadeghi, S. ; Schneider, M. ; Siugzdaite, R. ; Stantic, M. ; Teixeira, A. ; Todorovic, A. ; Binder, H. ; Myin-Germeys, I. ; van Leeuwen, J. M. C. ; Wan, W. W. N. ; van Dick, R. ; Lieb, K. ; Kleim, B. ; Hermans, E. J. ; Kobylinska, D. ; Hendler, T. ; Tuscher, O. ; Yuen, K. S. L. ; Walter, H. ; Kalisch, R. Peer Reviewed Journal Article
42021De-Sexualizing partner notification: A qualitative study on Chinese young adults with chlamydiaDr. LAU Hi Po, Bobo ; Liu, Lucia ; Chan, Celia Hoi Yan ; Chan, Cecilia Lai Wai ; Ong, Jason ; Holroyd, Eleanor ; Wong, William C. W. Peer Reviewed Journal Article
52021Evidence on PPP with China along the belt and road using the three-regime TAR cointegration testsDr. WOO Kai Yin ; Dr. LEE Shu Kam ; Shum, Paul Peer Reviewed Journal Article
62021Resilience of Hong Kong people in the COVID-19 pandemic: Lessons learned from a survey at the peak of the pandemic in Spring 2020Dr. LAU Hi Po, Bobo ; Chan, Cecilia Lai Wai ; Ng, Siu Man, Dilys Peer Reviewed Journal Article
72021Empowerment in the asylum-seeker regime? The roles of policies, the non-profit sector and refugee community organizations in Hong KongDr. LAU Pui Yan, Flora Peer Reviewed Journal Article
82021非黨派與黨派觀點之異: 錢穆、戴季陶、陳伯達闡述孫中山的思想區志堅博士 Book Chapter
92021速讀香港史.下冊1949-2020周子峰博士 Book
102021The heritagization of milk tea: cultural governance and placemaking in Hong KongDr. MAK Sau Wa Peer Reviewed Journal Article