Chan, Cecilia Lai Wai
Chan, Cecilia L. W.
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Results 1-20 of 27

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Type
12024Posttraumatic growth modulates the response to negative emotions related to COVID-19: An event-related potentials studyNg, Siuman ; Xie, Weiyi ; Gao, Junling ; Wang, Man ; Leung, Hank ; Li, Huiyun ; Sik, Hun Hung ; Dr. LAU Hi Po, Bobo ; Chan, Cecilia Lai Wai Peer Reviewed Journal Article
22024Multiple roads to success: A latent class analysis on successful aging among Hong Kong near-centenarians and centenarians (NCC)Shum, Eric Ngai-Yin ; Dr. LAU Hi Po, Bobo ; Cheung, Karen Siu Lan ; Chan, Cecilia Lai Wai ; Siu, Joey Chung-Yue ; Luk, James Ka-Hay ; Kwan, Joseph Shiu-Kwong ; Chan, Grace Man-Yee ; Pat, Lian Ying-Chun ; Martin, Peter Peer Reviewed Journal Article
32023When to be vaccinated? what to consider? modelling decision-making and time preference for COVID-19 vaccine through a conjoint experimentYuen, Samson W. H. ; Yue, Ricci P. H. ; Dr. LAU Hi Po, Bobo ; Chan, Cecilia Lai Wai ; Ng, Siu Man, Dilys Peer Reviewed Journal Article
42023A self-administered moxibustion-cum-massage intervention for older adults with chronic pain in the community: A randomized controlled trialYin, Margaret X. C. ; Chan, Jessie S. M. ; Dr. LAU Hi Po, Bobo ; Leung, Pamela P. Y. ; Gao, Siyu ; Yuen, Lai Ping ; Chan, Cecilia Lai Wai ; Ng, Siu Man, Dilys Peer Reviewed Journal Article
52022Risk perception as a double-edged sword in policy compliance in COVID-19 pandemic? A two-phase evaluation from Hong KongYue, Ricci P. H. ; Dr. LAU Hi Po, Bobo ; Chan, Cecilia Lai Wai ; Ng, Siu Man, Dilys Peer Reviewed Journal Article
62022Generativity and gendered pathways to health: The role of human, social, and financial capital past mid-lifeChen, Yu-Chih ; Hung, Natalee ; Dr. LAU Hi Po, Bobo ; Yung, Rebecca M. P. Choy ; Fung, Ellmon S. M. ; Chan, Cecilia Lai Wai Peer Reviewed Journal Article
72021De-Sexualizing partner notification: A qualitative study on Chinese young adults with chlamydiaDr. LAU Hi Po, Bobo ; Liu, Lucia ; Chan, Celia Hoi Yan ; Chan, Cecilia Lai Wai ; Ong, Jason ; Holroyd, Eleanor ; Wong, William C. W. Peer Reviewed Journal Article
82021Resilience of Hong Kong people in the COVID-19 pandemic: Lessons learned from a survey at the peak of the pandemic in Spring 2020Dr. LAU Hi Po, Bobo ; Chan, Cecilia Lai Wai ; Ng, Siu Man, Dilys Peer Reviewed Journal Article
92021Resilience in the storm: Impacts of changed daily lifestyles on mental health in persons with chronic illnesses under the COVID-19 pandemicDr. LAU Hi Po, Bobo ; Cheung, Mike K. T. ; Chan, Lucian T. H. ; Chan, Cecilia Lai Wai ; Leung, Pamela P. Y. Peer Reviewed Journal Article
102021Empowering families facing end-stage nonmalignant chronic diseases with a holistic, transdisciplinary, community-based intervention: 3 months outcome of the life rainbow programLaw, Man-Chi ; Dr. LAU Hi Po, Bobo ; Kwok, Anna Y. Y. ; Lee, Judy S. H. ; Lui, Rain N. Y. ; Liu, K. H. ; Leung, Pamela P. Y. ; Chan, Cecilia Lai Wai Peer Reviewed Journal Article
112020Comparing dyadic cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) with dyadic integrative body-mind-spirit intervention (I-BMS) for Chinese family caregivers of lung cancer patients: A randomized controlled trialXiu, Daiming ; Fung, Yat-lui ; Dr. LAU Hi Po, Bobo ; Wong, Daniel F. K. ; Chan, Celia H. Y. ; Ho, Rainbow T. H. ; So, Tsz-Him ; Lam, Tai-Chung ; Lee, Victor Ho-Fun ; Lee, Anne W. M. ; Chow, Sau Fong ; Lim, Fai Man ; Tsang, Miu Wah ; Chan, Cecilia L. W. ; Chow, Amy Y. M. Peer Reviewed Journal Article
122020Comparing the efficacy of integrative body-mind-spirit intervention with cognitive behavioral therapy in patient-caregiver parallel groups for lung cancer patients using a randomized controlled trialDr. LAU Hi Po, Bobo ; Chow, Amy Y. M. ; Ng, Ting-Kin ; Fung, Yat-lui ; Lam, Tai-Chung ; So, Tsz-Him ; Chan, Jessie S. M. ; Chan, Celia H. Y. ; Zhou, Jillian ; Tam, Michelle Y. J. ; Tsang, Miu Wah ; Cheng, Nikki S. Y. ; Lim, Polly F. M. ; Chow, Sau Fong ; Chan, Cecilia L. W. ; Wong, Daniel F. K. Peer Reviewed Journal Article
132020Examining the moderating role of patient enablement on the relationship between health anxiety and psychosomatic distress: A cross-sectional study at a traditional Chinese medicine outpatient clinic in Hong KongChan, Celia H. Y. ; Dr. LAU Hi Po, Bobo ; Chan, Timothy H. Y. ; Leung, H. T. ; So, Georgina Y. K. ; Chan, Cecilia Lai Wai Peer Reviewed Journal Article
142020Efficacy of integrative body-mind-spirit group intervention for parents of children with eczema: A randomized, wait-list controlled clinical trialFung, Yat-Lui ; Leung, Hiu-Tin ; Chan, Celia H. Y. ; Dr. LAU Hi Po, Bobo ; Chan, Cecilia Lai Wai Peer Reviewed Journal Article
152020Resilience and successful aging – transdisciplinary care for promoting dignity and autonomyChan, Cecilia L. W. ; Dr. LAU Hi Po, Bobo Conference Paper
162020Effectiveness of an integrative body-mind-spirit group intervention in improving the skin symptoms and psychosocial well-being in children living with atopic dermatitis: A randomized-waitlisted controlled trialXie, Qian-Wen ; Chan, Celia Hoi Yan ; Dr. LAU Hi Po, Bobo ; Tam, Michelle Yi-jun ; Fung, Yat-lui ; Chan, Cecilia Lai Wai Peer Reviewed Journal Article
172019Comparing the effectiveness of I-BMS-informed self-helf interventions in alleviating psychosocial distress for women awaiting the outcome of IVF treatmentChan, Celia H. Y. ; Dr. LAU Hi Po, Bobo ; Wong, Queenie S. ; Tam, Michelle Y. J. ; So, Georgina Y. K. ; Leung, H. T. ; Fung, Y. L. ; Chan, Cecilia L. W. ; Li, Raymond ; Ng, Ernest H. Y. Peer Reviewed Journal Article
182019Gratitude in infertility: a cross-sectional examination of dispositional gratitude in coping with infertility-related stress in women undergoing IVFDr. LAU Hi Po, Bobo ; Yao, Sylvia H ; Tam, Michelle Y J ; Chan, Cecilia Lai Wai ; Ng, Ernest H Y ; Chan, Celia Hoi Yan Peer Reviewed Journal Article
192019Facilitators and barriers to advance care planning programmes targeting older care home residents: A qualitative studyDr. LAU Hi Po, Bobo ; Luk, James KH ; Fong, Candy HC ; Chow, Amy YM ; Chan, Cecilia L. W. ; Ng, Wing Chun ; Chan, Wai Kwong ; Chan, Felix HW Peer Reviewed Journal Article
202019Protocol for psychosocial interventions based on Integrative Body-Mind-Spirit (IBMS) model for children with eczema and their parent caregiversFung, YL ; Dr. LAU Hi Po, Bobo ; Tam, Michelle Yi Jun ; Xie, Qianwen ; Chan, Cecilia Lai Wai ; Chan, Celia Hoi Yan Peer Reviewed Journal Article