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Associate Professor
Dr. HUANG Weishan
Chinese Name
Main Affiliation
Personal Site
Research Interests
Sociology of religion
Transnational sociology
Migration and mobility
Global sociology
Urban sociology
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Results 1-20 of 31

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Type
12024On urban Buddhism: A humanistic, secularizing, and universal BuddhismDr. HUANG Weishan Peer Reviewed Journal Article
22024Secularity and urban gentrification: A spatial analysis of downtown buddhist temples in ShanghaiDr. HUANG Weishan Peer Reviewed Journal Article
32023On "Urban Buddhism" (dushi fojiao 都市佛教)Dr. HUANG Weishan Conference Paper
42023Working on the wonder - Guanyin devotionalism and transnational spiritual efficacy in contemporary secular China and beyondDr. HUANG Weishan Conference Paper
52023Secularity and urban gentrification: An spatial analysis of downtown Buddhist temples in ShanghaiDr. HUANG Weishan Peer Reviewed Journal Article
62023Comparative urbanism and religionBurchardt, Marian ; Dr. HUANG Weishan Conference Paper
72023Xin 信 in the discourse on conversion among Tzuchians in ShanghaiDr. HUANG Weishan Book Chapter
82022Negotiating secularity under the condition of urban gentrification: An spatial analysis of downtown buddhist temples in ShanghaiDr. HUANG Weishan Conference Paper
92021The sinicization of buddhism and its competing reinventions of traditionDr. HUANG Weishan Book Chapter
102021Buddhist environmentalism and civic engagement in secular ShanghaiDr. HUANG Weishan Book Chapter
112021Rethinking religion and urban planning in ShanghaiDr. HUANG Weishan Peer Reviewed Journal Article
122019Globalization as a tactic: legal campaigns of the Falun Gong diasporaDr. HUANG Weishan Book Chapter
132019Urban restructuring and temple agency: a case study of the Jing'an templeDr. HUANG Weishan Book Chapter
142019閔行區龍音寺田野筆記: 試從比丘尼訪談敘述分析佛教復興的政治與宗教邏輯黃維珊博士 Other Article
152019都市佛教新貌: 關於都市志願服務興起和以寺院為中心的義工的一些思考黃維珊博士 Book Chapter
162018The place of socially engaged Buddhism in China: Emerging religious identity in the local community of urban ShanghaiDr. HUANG Weishan Peer Reviewed Journal Article
172018From structural separation to religious incorporation: A case study of a transnational buddhist group in Shanghai, ChinaDr. HUANG Weishan Book Chapter
182017Sustainable development and karma logistics: The moral discourse of reformed buddhism and capital-linked business professionals in ShanghaiDr. HUANG Weishan Book Chapter
192017Public buddhist philosophy: Civic engagement and discursive space among a religious group in ShanghaiDr. HUANG Weishan Book Chapter
202016WeChat together about the buddha: The construction of sacred space and religious community in Shanghai through social mediaDr. HUANG Weishan Book Chapter

(Principal Investigator)

Results 1-1 of 1