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Associate Professor
Dr. MAK Sau Wa
Chinese Name
Main Affiliation
Personal Site
Research Interests
Platform economy and heritage conservation
Cultural heritage and heritagization
Critical food and science studies
Digital citizenship and sociology of social media
Family, health and well-being
Youth culture and identity
China, Hong Kong and Asian studies
Mak, S.W.
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Results 1-20 of 29

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Type
12024Digital activism and citizenship: a case study of “yellow” food influencers and political consumerism in Hong KongDr. MAK Sau Wa ; Poon, Kai-yan Peer Reviewed Journal Article
22024Scientists and remaking heritage: The case of shiitake cultivation in a globally important agricultural heritage system in JapanDr. MAK Sau Wa Peer Reviewed Journal Article
32024"The stinkier the better!" -- A case study on the reinvention of river snail noodles and the transformation of taste in ChinaDr. MAK Sau Wa Peer Reviewed Journal Article
42024From intangible culture heritage to political symbol – a study of milk tea, emotions, and the Pan-Asian pro-democratic movementDr. MAK Sau Wa Book Chapter
52024“Unveil your Inner youth” science, gender and anti-ageing milk marketing in a Chinese societyDr. MAK Sau Wa Book Chapter
62023"Globally important agricultural heritage transmitters? Not my son" - Shiitake farmers speak about experiences with heritagization and their loss in rural ChinaDr. MAK Sau Wa Conference Paper
72023從藥物到主食-科學和傳統如何塑造現代中國牛奶的生產和消費麥秀華博士 Conference Paper
82023“Remembering Mr. Mushroom” : Documenting charismatic leadership in the preservation of agricultural heritage in China using the actor-network theoryDr. MAK Sau Wa Conference Paper
92023From farmers to environmentalists – a study of transnational actor-networks in GIAHS and identity changeDr. MAK Sau Wa Conference Paper
102022Political consumerism, youth culture, and social media: A case study of ‘yellow’ food influencers in Hong KongDr. MAK Sau Wa ; Poon, Kai-yan Conference Paper
112021The heritagization of milk tea: cultural governance and placemaking in Hong KongDr. MAK Sau Wa Peer Reviewed Journal Article
122021From medicine to a staple food - how science and tradition are shaping the milk production and consumption in modern ChinaDr. MAK Sau Wa Conference Paper
132021Milk craze: Body, science, and hope in ChinaDr. MAK Sau Wa Book
142021Technologies and dietary change: The pharmaceutical nexus and the marketing of anti-aging functional food in a Chinese societyDr. MAK Sau Wa Peer Reviewed Journal Article
152020Heritagizating tea café: Digital retraditionalisation, place-making and political movements in post-colonial Hong KongDr. MAK Sau Wa Conference Paper
162020Food, memories and narratives of well-being: A case study of milk consumption among seniors in Hong KongDr. MAK Sau Wa Conference Paper
172019Mediatization and mediation of parenthood: Politics of infant feeding in Hong KongDr. MAK Sau Wa Book Chapter
182019Smart children and thin selves: Dietary health and the transnational moral grammar of self-identityDr. MAK Sau Wa Conference Paper
192017Book Review: The other milk: Reinventing soy in republican ChinaDr. MAK Sau Wa Book Review
202017How picky eating becomes an illness—marketing nutrient-enriched formula milk in a Chinese societyDr. MAK Sau Wa Peer Reviewed Journal Article

(Principal Investigator)

Results 1-1 of 1