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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Type
12013郵票中的香港史蔡思行博士 Book
22013Hybrid learning: Theory, application & practiceConference Proceedings
32013台灣儲蓄互助社概況潘志昌博士 Book Chapter
42013台灣與香港儲蓄互助社社員之儲蓄和借貸行為比較潘志昌博士 Book Chapter
72013Connecting self and relationship through ego state analysis with action method in doing group counseling supervisionDr. TSE Pui Chi Presentation
82013Motivating career exploration of university students through self reflection and storytelling: A resource book for practitionersDr. CHEUNG Wai Leung, Raysen ; Kwong, Wai Man Book
102013香港記憶區志堅博士 ; 彭淑敏博士 ; 蔡思行博士 Book
112013揖梅齋詩稿 三集林翼勳博士 Book
122013揚州意象與姜夔《揚州慢》的創作沈惠英博士 Book Chapter
132013宋代辭賦的兵學思想考論何祥榮教授 Book Chapter
142013試論金城銀行早期經營及其鐵路業務情況 (1917-1927)林援森博士 Book Chapter
152013新聞與傳播系這條路: 選校入行參考李家文博士 Book
162013勞資矛盾的危機: 勞工政策與勞工短缺分析李樹甘博士 ; 吳祖堯 Book
182013Presence of the state: Probing the middle class and civic organizations in Chinese societiesDr. LIU Shuo ; Lui, Tai-lok Book Chapter
192013Hong Kong mediation ordinance: Commentary and annotationsDr. WILSON Claire Book
202013花、竹、鳥、蟲題詠與不犯正位: 黃庭堅題畫詩"禪思與詩思"之研究張高評教授 Book Chapter
212013形構之理與存在之理: 戴震、朱子、孟子所言之理及道德形態之比較研究周國良博士 Book
222013唐宋詩欣賞舉隅洪肇平老師 Book Chapter
232013University accounting education in Hong Kong: an analysis of tri-partite perceptionsProf. CHEN Tien Yiu, Theodore Book
242013Construction safetyDr. LI Yi Man, Rita ; Poon, Sun Wah Book
252013Themes in Chinese psychology (2nd ed.)Prof. SUN Tien Lun, Catherine Book
262013新編普通話辨音手冊畢宛嬰 Book
272013宋代城市園林於文學創作之作用: 以文同洋州《守居園池雜題》組詩及友人唱和為中心林翼勳博士 Book Chapter
282013東區人了解東區史: 東區族群口述歷史計劃之 -- 福建族群研究Research Report
302013中國與全球化: 機遇、挑戰與回應區志堅博士 ; 羅玉芬 ; 鄧錦輝 ; 陳澤林 Research Report
312013國民身分與採訪衝擊: 兩岸四地記者親述李家文博士 Book
322013Crime and criminal justice in Hong KongProf. CHEUNG Yuet-Wah ; Cheung, Wai-ting Nicole Book Chapter
332013馮夢龍文學研究傅承洲教授 Book
342013李漁話本研究傅承洲教授 Book
352013北京新聞故事李家文博士 Book Chapter
362013Frontiers in new media researchBook
372013An exploration of student satisfaction in online accounting coursesDr. MA Wai Kit, Will ; Li, Sally M. Book Chapter
382013Exploring the influence of social ties and perceived privacy on trust in a social media learning communityDr. MA Wai Kit, Will ; Chan, Wendy W. L. Book Chapter
392013Effects of narcissism, leisure boredom, and gratifications sought on user-generated content among net-generation usersPoon, Damon Chi Him ; Prof. LEUNG Wing Chi, Louis Book Chapter
402013Introduction: Challenges for new media researchLee, Francis L. F. ; Prof. LEUNG Wing Chi, Louis ; Qiu, Jack L. ; Chu, Donna S. C. Book Chapter
412013民國福建協和大學之研究: 以師資和財務為例 (1916-1949)彭淑敏博士 Book
422013Book review: China's Christian Colleges: Cross-cultural connections, 1900-1950Dr. PANG Suk Man Book Review
432013中華眾神的宮殿在三地: 澳門、嘉義、金門的寺廟比較蕭弘德 ; 魏楚雄教授 Book
442013戰後美國對日政策的演變魏楚雄教授 Book Chapter
462013當代東西方外交戰略與理念的改變: 中美外交的傳統及其新實踐魏楚雄教授 Book Chapter
472013東西方文化與外交方略比較: 理論篇Book
482013開啟男士服務之門 -- 「連繫男士」研究陳德茂 Research Report
492013Becoming competent international social workers: Learning journeys of international social work field placements (ISWFP) from Hong Kong studentsMOK Wai Kit, Linda Peer Reviewed Journal Article
502013Family business succession in Hong Kong: The case of Yung KeeProf. YU Fu Lai, Tony ; Kwan, Diana Sze-Man Peer Reviewed Journal Article
Results 1-50 of 449