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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 101 to 120 of 713
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Type
2018Essential elements in designing mobile learning activities with moodle mobileDr. YUEN Wai Kee, Thomas ; CHU Wan Ling Conference Paper
2018Associations between body mass and happiness: A comparison between high and low/middle income countriesDr. YUEN Wai Kee, Thomas Conference Paper
2023Deep learning based reconstruction enables high-resolution electrical impedance tomography for lung function assessmentZeng, Shihao ; Kwok, Wang Chun ; Cao, Peng ; Zouari, Fedi ; Dr. LEE Tin Yun, Philip ; Chan, Russell W. ; Touboul, Adrien Conference Paper
2013The impact of home ownership scheme on Hong Kong property market from 1997 to 2012Lui, Shing Sang ; Dr. YEUNG Wai Man, Raymond Conference Paper
2023中美博弈對聯系匯率的影響和對策:一個「狐假虎威」的貨幣問題楊偉文博士 Conference Paper
2006從全球區域經濟整合看東亞與東北亞自由貿易區的構建饒美蛟 ; 楊偉文博士 Book Chapter
2005從全球區域經濟整合看東亞與東北亞自由貿易區的建構饒美蛟 ; 楊偉文博士 Peer Reviewed Journal Article
2000論香港區域諮詢制度之發展歷史及其政經功能饒美蛟 ; 楊偉文博士 Peer Reviewed Journal Article
2012法定最低工資條例對香港營商環境影響問卷調查研究報告李樹甘博士 ; 楊偉文博士 Research Report
2012「作息平衡」政策的核心精神楊偉文博士 Book Chapter
2012標準工時政策帶來僱傭狀況的不穩定楊偉文博士 Book Chapter
2012「作息平衡」政策有利吸納人才楊偉文博士 Book Chapter
2015香港青年競爭力指標系統研究李樹甘博士 ; 楊偉文博士 ; 李綺雯教授 ; 胡佳賢博士 ; 曾俊基博士 ; 鍾艷紅 ; 徐永業 ; 吳祖堯 ; 張文瀚 ; 劉穎霖 Research Report
2023日本"積極寬鬆性貨幣政策"的經濟成效研究楊偉文博士 ; 彭偉升 Peer Reviewed Journal Article
2014Preferences of risk averters and risk seekers on stock, housing and money market in Hong KongLi, Hua ; Oiao, Zhuo ; Dr. TSANG Chun Kei, Thomas ; Wong, Wing-keung Peer Reviewed Journal Article
2016Arbitrage opportunities, efficiency, and the role of risk preferences in the Hong Kong property marketDr. TSANG Chun Kei, Thomas ; Wong, Wing-keung ; Horowitz, Ira Peer Reviewed Journal Article
2023Selecting proxies for inputs with limited data in data envelopment analysisLi, Sung Ko ; Dr. TSANG Chun Kei, Thomas ; Dr. LEE Shu Kam Peer Reviewed Journal Article
2024Mathematical game theory at St. Petersburg State UniversityPetrosyan, Leon A. ; Prof. YEUNG Wing Kay, David ; Parilina, Elena M. Peer Reviewed Journal Article
2024Subgame-consistent cooperative equilibria of multi-objective dynamic gamesProf. YEUNG Wing Kay, David ; Petrosyan, Leon A. Peer Reviewed Journal Article
2024Two independent offset controllers in a three-dimensional chaotic systemLi, Chunbiao ; Gao, Yikai ; Lei, Tengfei ; Prof. LI Yi Man, Rita ; Xu, Yuanxiao Peer Reviewed Journal Article
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 101 to 120 of 713