Asia Pacific Journal of Social Work and Development


(All Publications)

Results 1-6 of 6

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Type
12019Comparing the effectiveness of I-BMS-informed self-helf interventions in alleviating psychosocial distress for women awaiting the outcome of IVF treatmentChan, Celia H. Y. ; Dr. LAU Hi Po, Bobo ; Wong, Queenie S. ; Tam, Michelle Y. J. ; So, Georgina Y. K. ; Leung, H. T. ; Fung, Y. L. ; Chan, Cecilia L. W. ; Li, Raymond ; Ng, Ernest H. Y. Peer Reviewed Journal Article
21997Empowering the stroke victims through welf-help/mutual aidProf. CHOW Oi-Wah, Esther Peer Reviewed Journal Article
32009Raising self-esteem through social networking intervention for older Chinese adults in Hong KongProf. CHOW Oi-Wah, Esther ; Cheung, Chau-kiu Peer Reviewed Journal Article
42021Resilience of Hong Kong people in the COVID-19 pandemic: Lessons learned from a survey at the peak of the pandemic in Spring 2020Dr. LAU Hi Po, Bobo ; Chan, Cecilia Lai Wai ; Ng, Siu Man, Dilys Peer Reviewed Journal Article
52013Single mothers or women in single parenthood (WISP)? A report and reflection on the development of a brief marital metaphor questionaire (MMQ-10)Dr. ZHOU Dehui, Ruth ; Chiu, Yu-Lung Marcus Peer Reviewed Journal Article
62024Social media engagement and family caregivers' perceived positive aspects of caregiving: an inverted u-shape relationshipDr. KE Xiaobo, Bob ; Lou, Vivian W. Q. Peer Reviewed Journal Article