Conference Materials

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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Type
12020Looking at learners' conceptual development through written verbalization: Computer-based mediation for English prepositionsDr. WONG Man Ho, Ivy Presentation
22020Prevalence and predictors of exercise addiction - a comparison between high school and college students in the United StatesGan, Kai Qi ; Prof. TANG So Kum, Catherine Conference Paper
32020Gaming disorder among Singaporean adolescents: Influences of parental work and gaming behavior, parent-child conflicts, and family communicationProf. TANG So Kum, Catherine ; Koh, Yvaine Yee Woen Conference Paper
42021Income differences between local born and migrant young adults in Hong Kong: A comparison of baby boomers and millennialsDr. MAN Pui-Kwan ; Fong, Eric Presentation
52022Decoding Social Unrest for Tideriders (DSUT) -- Resilience programme for police officersDr. LAU Kam Lun, Edmond Presentation
62023Assessing streamer attributes: the role of trust in purchase intention for live e-commerceDr. LAW Chui Chui, Monica ; Dr. NG Chi Ho, Mark ; Dr. LAM Che Fai, Lubanski ; Dr. CUI Xiling, Celine Conference Paper
72022宣傳與爭訟:題李攀龍《唐詩訓解》和刻本的出版信息許建業博士 Conference Paper
82022《數位人文與明代唐詩選本研究》許建業博士 Conference Paper
92021論杜甫「沉鬱頓挫」之文風及其述作之文學價值伍鈞鈞博士 Conference Paper
102022Collision of perspectives concerning esportsDr. FU Wai ; Lau, Hin-long ; Wong, Oscar Wai-Kuen Conference Paper