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Title: Institutions and market competition: A case study of Hong Kong property management industry
Authors: Dr. NG Chi Ho, Mark 
Issue Date: 2008
Publisher: 香港: 香港樹仁學院
Source: Shue Yan Academic Journal, 2008, no. 4, pp. 388-426.
Journal: 樹仁學報 = Shue Yan Academic Journal 
Abstract: This paper attempts to use the frameworks of institutional analysis to understand how institutional context may hinder the competition and firm development of a particular market sector in Hong Kong. Firm development involves the study of constancy and change in business firms over time. Business firms are socially and historically constructed organizations that influence, and are influenced by, the multiple and interlocking networks into which they fit. By reviewing the relevant institutional factors such as the relevant ordinances, legal system, and financial system, we can identify how those built-in mechanisms become major barriers to small-and-medium-sized enterprises...
Type: Peer Reviewed Journal Article
ISBN: 9628719807
Appears in Collections:Business Administration - Publication

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