Economics and Finance - Working Paper Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 38
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Type
2025Hedging global stock markets with bitcoin, precious metals, copper, crude oil and agricultural commodities: Evidence from multivariate asymmetric GARCH approachDr. WOO Kai Yin ; Zheng, Zhuangxing Working Paper
2023Equity, cryptocurrency and precious metal markets: a TVP-VAR extended joint connectedness approachDr. WOO Kai Yin ; Dr. LEE Shu Kam ; Yau, Man-Lung Working Paper
1999Toward a praxeological theory of the firmProf. YU Fu Lai, Tony Peer Reviewed Journal Article
2016Competition or collusion in the Hong Kong grocery industry : analysis of threshold cointegration with asymmetric adjustmentsDr. WOO Kai Yin ; Dr. LEE Shu Kam ; Shum, Paul Working Paper
2014The optimal principal-agent model for the CO2 allowance allocation under asymmetric informationDu, Huibin ; Li, Bingli ; Zuo, Jian ; Prof. LI Yi Man, Rita Working Paper
2015Integration of the Indian market with national stock marketsDr. WOO Kai Yin ; Xu, Hui-hui Working Paper
2015The risk element in derivatives markets: time-series evidence on volatility of gold futures and spot price in ChinaDr. POON Che Cheong Working Paper
2013Speculating China economic growth through Hong Kong? : evidence from stock market IPOs and real estate marketsLeung, Charles Ka Yui ; Dr. TANG Chi Ho, Edward Working Paper
2013An investigation into the nonlinear relationship between the international and the domestic crude oil prices in ChinaDr. WOO Kai Yin ; Chan Hing-lin Working Paper
2010Happiness, economic processes and wellbeing integration : a comparative analysis on Beijing, Guangdong, Hong Kong and TaiwanDr. YUEN Wai Kee, Thomas ; Greene, Mark Working Paper
2010A time varying parameter approach to price convergence in ChinaDr. LEE Shu Kam ; Dr. WOO Kai Yin ; Dr. YEUNG Wai Man, Raymond Working Paper
2014Study on the performance of initial public offerings in Hong Kong during 2008 to 2012Dr. WOO Kai Yin ; Chan, Leong-kwan Working Paper
2010Monetary policy and property price bubbles in Hong KongWONG Fuk Kin, Joe ; Dr. YUEN Wai Kee, Thomas Working Paper
2009家族控制, 董事會的領導架構與公司的經營績效 : 香港的驗證李樹甘 ; 林天恩 Working Paper
2013Threshold adjustments to intranational PPP in CanadaDr. WOO Kai Yin ; Dr. LEE Shu Kam ; Chan, Alan Working Paper
2014Price spreads between international and China’s crude oilDr. WOO Kai Yin ; Chan Hing-lin Working Paper
2013Threshold cointegration and causality between CPI and PPI in selected countries : some international evidenceDr. WOO Kai Yin ; Jia, Lin Xuan Working Paper
2009中國內地和香港之經濟現況及展望潘志昌 Working Paper
2014Evidence from asymmetric adjustment and causality between consumer and producer prices in the four selected European economiesDr. LEE Shu Kam ; Ng, Cho-yiu, Joe ; Dr. WOO Kai Yin Working Paper
2008Investment risk tolerance : a survey in Hong KongDr. YUEN Wai Kee, Thomas ; Chen, Wang-wai Chris Working Paper
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 38