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Title: Study of the influence of sample conditioning on instrumental colour measurement on nylon interlock fabric
Authors: Lau, L. N. 
Kan, Chi Wai 
Lam, H. L. I. 
Murrells, C. M. 
Yuen, C. W. M. 
Dr. LAU Kung Wong 
Issue Date: 2011
Publisher: Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Source: Lau, L. N., Kan, C. W., Lam, H. L. I., Murrells, C. M., Yuen, C. W. M., & Lau, K. W. (2011). Study of the influence of sample conditioning on instrumental colour measurement on nylon interlock fabric. In The Fiber Society (Ed.). The abstract of the Fiber Society 2011 Spring Conference, Hong Kong (pp. 265-266). Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
Conference: The Fiber Society 2011 Spring Conference 
Type: Conference Paper
Appears in Collections:Journalism & Communication - Publication

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