Wong, Chi-Sum
Wong, Chi-Sum
Chinese Name
Results 1-20 of 30
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Type | |
1 | 2022 | Should we stop using the label of "paternalistic leadership"? Evidence from three Chinese samples | Wong, Chi-Sum ; Lan, Junbang ; Dr. PENG Zhengmin, Kelly ; Lun, Joyce | Peer Reviewed Journal Article |
2 | 2021 | Conducting studies on person-centered career interest profiles: An illustrative example in Hong Kong | Liu, Yan ; Mao, Yina ; Lan, Junbang ; Wong, Chi-Sum ; Dr. PENG Zhengmin, Kelly | Peer Reviewed Journal Article |
3 | 2020 | Neglected forms of dispositional variable-employee outcome relationships | Lan, Jun Bang ; Wong, Chi-Sum ; Mao, Yina ; Dr. PENG Zhengmin, Kelly | Peer Reviewed Journal Article |
4 | 2018 | Beyond exchange and prosocial motives, is altruistic helping a valid motive for organizational citizenship behavior? | Dr. CHEUNG Fung Yi, Millissa ; Dr. PENG Zhengmin, Kelly ; Wong, Chi-Sum | Peer Reviewed Journal Article |
5 | 2018 | 青年職業選擇及發展: 基於科學實證的建議 | 劉艷 ; 彭正敏 ; 黃熾森 | Book |
6 | 2017 | Different forms of relationships between vocational interests and career maturity in Chinese context | Dr. PENG Zhengmin, Kelly ; Liu, Yan ; Mao, Yina ; Wong, Chi-Sum | Peer Reviewed Journal Article |
7 | 2017 | Why mutual trust leads to highest performance: The mediating role of psychological contract fulfillment | Dr. CHEUNG Fung Yi, Millissa ; Wong, Chi-Sum ; Yuan, Gong Yuan | Peer Reviewed Journal Article |
8 | 2017 | Is more feedback seeking always better? Leader-member exchange moderates the relationship between feedback-seeking behavior and performance | Dr. PENG Zhengmin, Kelly ; Lam, Long Wai ; Wong, Chi-Sum ; Lau, Dora C. | Peer Reviewed Journal Article |
9 | 2016 | Assessing job applicants' emotional competency in interviews | Dr. PENG Zhengmin, Kelly ; Wang, Ching-Wen ; Wong, Chi-Sum ; Gua, Ya-Jing ; Hsieh, Hsin-Chieh | Book Chapter |
10 | 2016 | How do Chinese employees react to psychological contract violation? | Dr. PENG Zhengmin, Kelly ; Wong, Chi-Sum ; Song, Jiwen Lynda | Peer Reviewed Journal Article |
11 | 2014 | 青年職業成熟度量表的開發及其對就業的影響 | 彭正敏 ; 黃熾森 ; 劉艷 ; 陳江 | Peer Reviewed Journal Article |
12 | 2014 | Career maturity and job attainment: The moderating roles of emotional intelligence and social vocational interest | Dr. PENG Zhengmin, Kelly ; Liu, Yan ; Wong, Chi-Sum | Peer Reviewed Journal Article |
13 | 2014 | Supervisor attribution of subordinates' organizational citizenship behavior motives | Dr. PENG Zhengmin, Kelly ; Dr. CHEUNG Fung Yi, Millissa ; Wong, Chi-Sum | Peer Reviewed Journal Article |
14 | 2013 | The effect of leader positive affectivity on team member turnover intention and team organizational citizenship behavior | Dr. PENG Zhengmin, Kelly ; Song, Jiwen Lynda ; Lu, Edward Qing ; Wong, Chi-Sum ; Wu, Weiku | Peer Reviewed Journal Article |
15 | 2013 | Work-family/family-work conflict: The moderating roles of gender and spousal working status | Dr. CHEUNG Fung Yi, Millissa ; Wong, Chi-Sum | Peer Reviewed Journal Article |
16 | 2013 | Breaking institutionalized corruption: Is the experience of the Hong Kong independent commission against corruption generalizable? | Dr. PENG Zhengmin, Kelly ; Mao, Yina ; Wong, Chi-Sum | Peer Reviewed Journal Article |
17 | 2012 | Chinese emotional intelligence | Dr. PENG Zhengmin, Kelly ; Wong, Chi-Sum | Book Chapter |
18 | 2012 | 傳統智能跟情緒智能測驗的信度: 基於中國樣本的研究 | 張鳳儀 ; 彭正敏 ; 黃熾森 | Peer Reviewed Journal Article |
19 | 2012 | Factors that influence the level of problem gambling: A Macao case | Dr. CHEUNG Fung Yi, Millissa ; Lai, Terence T. M. ; Wong, Chi-Sum | Peer Reviewed Journal Article |
20 | 2012 | Indigenous research on Asia: In search of the emic components of guanxi | Dr. PENG Zhengmin, Kelly ; Mao, Yina ; Wong, Chi-Sum | Peer Reviewed Journal Article |