Dr. CHEUNG Oi Ngor, Sandra

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Results 1-10 of 10

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Type
12016The resurgence of moral basis in social work field education: The experience of field instructors in Hong KongDr. CHEUNG Oi Ngor, Sandra Peer Reviewed Journal Article
22016The dialectical stance in nurturing the Net Generation of social workers: The interplay of changeableness and unchangablenessDr. CHEUNG Oi Ngor, Sandra Peer Reviewed Journal Article
32015Enhancing students' learning in social work field practicumDr. CHEUNG Oi Ngor, Sandra Peer Reviewed Journal Article
42015Pedagogical practice wisdom in social work practice teaching - A Kaleidoscopic viewDr. CHEUNG Oi Ngor, Sandra Peer Reviewed Journal Article
52015The soul reviving the moral basis in social work practicum education - Practice teachersDr. CHEUNG Oi Ngor, Sandra Presentation
62012How do practice teachers understand and identify practice wisdom in rendering fieldwork supervision in Hong Kong?Dr. CHEUNG Oi Ngor, Sandra Presentation
72011The case of new arrivals from the Mainland: How can social workers apply the concepts and alleviation strategies of poverty to their practice?Dr. CHEUNG Oi Ngor, Sandra Book Chapter
82009天水圍區婦女管教子女方式報告崔志暉博士 ; 吳燕玲博士 ; 張愛娥博士 ; 莫惠潔 Research Report
92009管教子女方式: 香港天水圍婦女的個案研究崔志暉博士 ; 吳燕玲博士 ; 張愛娥博士 ; 莫惠潔 Peer Reviewed Journal Article
102008在境學習: 在實務場地的教與學張愛娥博士 Book Chapter

Results 1-2 of 2

NameVenueStart DateEnd DateType
International Conference of Discovery Innovation in Social Work Practicum EducationCity University of Hong Kong20-05-201521-05-2015Conference
2012 Joint World Conference on Social Work Social Development08-07-201212-07-2012Conference