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Showing results 6 to 17 of 17 < previous 
NameChinese NameResearch Interests
Dr. HUANG Weishan黃維珊博士Global sociology; Sociology of religion; Migration and mobility; Transnational sociology; Urban sociology
HUANG Yunjing黃韵菁Archival Studies; Performing Arts Archives and Theatre Heritage; Museum Studies; Participatory Museum and Public Engagement
Prof. HUI Yew-Foong許耀峰教授Chinese Diaspora; Disruptive Technology and Society; Heritage Politics; Religion and Community; Southeast Asia Studies
Dr. KE Pingchuan, Patrick柯平川博士Game design; Interdisciplinary design; Human-computer interaction; Digital media art and technology; Virtual & augmented reality; Digital exhibition design
Dr. LAM Gigi林之博士Fertility; Migration; Mortality; Population policy; Marriage; Mental health policy
Dr. LAU Pui Yan, Flora劉珮欣博士Self and identity; Ethnic minorities; Forced migration; Labour market and employment; Death and illness; Social network; Sociology of health
Dr. MAK Sau Wa麥秀華博士Youth culture and identity; China, Hong Kong and Asian studies; Family, health and well-being; Platform economy and heritage conservation; Cultural heritage and heritagization; Critical food and science studies; Digital citizenship and sociology of social media
Dr. MAN Pui-Kwan文珮君博士Gambling disorder; Gender, family, and marriage; Migration; Income inequality between local-born and migrants; Entrepreneurship; Sociology of crime and deviance; Quantitative and qualitative research methods
Dr. NG Ni Na, Camellia吳妮娜博士Cross-culture Studies; Chinese Art History; Curation; Museum Studies; Collecting and Collection
Dr. SHUM Hoi Ki, Holy岑愷琦博士Ethnography and qualitative research methods; Cultural and creative industries; Digital technology and art; Creative labour; Postcolonialism/decolonisation; Moralities of technologies and media use
Dr. TSANG Chung Kin曾仲堅博士Popular Culture and Media Studies; Housing Studies; Cultural Studies; Economic Culture; Cultural Sociology; Urban Studies
Dr. XIE Jieyi謝潔怡博士Silk Roads research; Critical discourse analysis; Critical heritage studies