Research Outputs

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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Type
12013Motivating career exploration of university students through self reflection and storytelling: A resource book for practitionersDr. CHEUNG Wai Leung, Raysen ; Kwong, Wai Man Book
22013香港記憶區志堅博士 ; 彭淑敏博士 ; 蔡思行博士 Book
32013Themes in Chinese psychology (2nd ed.)Prof. SUN Tien Lun, Catherine Book
42013Crime and criminal justice in Hong KongProf. CHEUNG Yuet-Wah ; Cheung, Wai-ting Nicole Book Chapter
52013Book review: China's Christian Colleges: Cross-cultural connections, 1900-1950Dr. PANG Suk Man Book Review
62013家族企業的人類學研究: 親屬和商業的比較分析Connolly, Tomoko Hamada ; 高崇博士 Peer Reviewed Journal Article
72013The investment preferences and behaviour of small investors in derivatives markets: A survey on derivative investments in Hong KongHON Tai Yuen, Kurt Peer Reviewed Journal Article
82013Recollected experiences of first hospitalisation for acute psychosis among persons diagnosed with schizophrenia in South AfricaDr. CONNOLLY, J. Patrick ; Zubi, Y. Peer Reviewed Journal Article
92013Media reputation in initial public offerings: A study of financial news coverage in Hong KongDr. TONG Suk Chong, Crispy Peer Reviewed Journal Article
102013Managing financial risk by using derivatives: A study of Hong Kong listed companiesHON Tai Yuen, Kurt Peer Reviewed Journal Article