Conference Materials

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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Type
12018Drug-Protein-Disease Association Prediction and Drug Repositioning Based on Tensor DecompositionWang, Ran ; Li, Shuai ; Wong, Man-Hon ; Prof. LEUNG Kwong Sak Conference Paper
22018Multi-objective Multiple Quadcopter Path Planning in Urban CityLo, Kin Ming ; Lo, Leung Yau ; Wong, Pak-Kan ; Prof. LEUNG Kwong Sak Conference Paper
32019CUHK at MRP 2019: Transition-based parser with cross-framework variable-arity resolve actionLai, Sunny ; Lo, Chun Hei ; Prof. LEUNG Kwong Sak ; Leung, Yee Conference Paper
42018Accelerating Drug Discovery Using Convolution Neural Network Based Active LearningLiu, Pengfei ; Prof. LEUNG Kwong Sak Conference Paper
52019Improved Algorithm on Online Clustering of BanditsLi, Shuai ; Chen,Wei ; Li, Shuai ; Prof. LEUNG Kwong Sak Conference Paper
62015Exploiting modularity and hierarchical modularity to infer large causal gene regulatory networkLo, Leung-Yau ; Wong, Man-Leung ; Lee, Kin-Hong ; Prof. LEUNG Kwong Sak Conference Paper
72017SMILE: A novel procedure for subcellular module identification with localization expansionCheng, Lixin ; Liu, Pengfei ; Prof. LEUNG Kwong Sak Conference Paper
82017A system for personalized health care with ECG and EEG signals for analysisTong, Kwok-Kit ; Prof. LEUNG Kwong Sak ; Leung, Yee Conference Paper
92016Modular sensor system (MSS) for urban air pollution monitoringYi, Wei-Ying ; Prof. LEUNG Kwong Sak ; Leung, Yee ; Meng, Mei-Ling ; Mak, Terrence Conference Paper
102016Hierarchical Knowledge in Self-Improving Grammar-Based Genetic ProgrammingWong, Pak-Kan ; Wong, Man-Leung ; Prof. LEUNG Kwong Sak Conference Paper