Conference Materials

Results 31-40 of 1567
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Type
12019The effects of habit and attitude on Facebook usageDr. LAW Chui Chui, Monica Conference Paper
22017旅港的身份有利推動僑務: 以香港一地閩籍商會及同鄉會組織為例區志堅博士 Conference Paper
32020Prevalence and predictors of exercise addiction - a comparison between high school and college students in the United StatesGan, Kai Qi ; Prof. TANG So Kum, Catherine Conference Paper
42020Gaming disorder among Singaporean adolescents: Influences of parental work and gaming behavior, parent-child conflicts, and family communicationProf. TANG So Kum, Catherine ; Koh, Yvaine Yee Woen Conference Paper
52010Collectivistic and individualistic value orientation, coping style, and trauma symptoms following life adversities among adults in SingaporeProf. TANG So Kum, Catherine Conference Paper
62010Parental control and obsessive-compulsive symptoms: the role of metacognitions & self-identityGuo, X. ; Prof. TANG So Kum, Catherine Conference Paper
72016Prevalence, comorbidity, and psychosocial correlates of six addictive behaviors in young adults in SingaporeProf. TANG So Kum, Catherine Conference Paper
82010Anxiety, being significantly more frequent in systemic lupus erythematosus than other common inflammatory rheumatological conditions, is predicted by higher damage accrual, cumulative glucocorticoid dose and depressionMak, Anselm ; Prof. TANG So Kum, Catherine ; Cheak, Alicia Ai-cia ; Ho, Roger Chun-man Conference Paper
92010Assessing stigma among psychiatric patients in Singapore – Psychometric evaluation of King’s Stigma ScaleDr. YUEN Wing Yan, Winnie ; Prof. TANG So Kum, Catherine ; Ho, Roger Chun-man Conference Paper
102016The study on the relationship between expectant fathers perceived stress and expectant parents depressive symptoms from early pregnancy to six week postpartum in Hong KongKoh, Yvaine Yee Woen ; Chan, Chui Yi ; Lee, Antoinette ; Prof. TANG So Kum, Catherine ; Yeung, Wei-Jun, Jean Conference Paper