Conference Materials

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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Type
12008Challenges of using web 2.0 in enhancing student learning in economics subject in higher educationDr. YUEN Wai Kee, Thomas ; FUNG Ngan Ho, Heidi Working Paper; Presentation
22008Students' perception of using web 2.0 in enhancing learning in higher educationFUNG Ngan Ho, Heidi ; Dr. YUEN Wai Kee, Thomas Presentation
32008Service quality: A study of retail service encounters in Hong KongDr. LEE Bernard ; Bougoure, Ursula Conference Paper
42008中國基督教近代女子高等醫學教育的創立: 富馬利醫生及夏葛女子醫學院彭淑敏博士 Conference Paper
52008漢魏文論辨要:繁欽與曹丕文氣說疏論歐陽艷華博士 Presentation
62008Involvement in volunteer activities and related mental health outcome: A study of older Chinese in Hong KongYan, Elsie Chau-wai ; Prof. TANG So Kum, Catherine Presentation
72008Posttraumatic stress symptoms in childbirth and reproductive loss among Chinese womenProf. TANG So Kum, Catherine ; Yan, Elsie Chau-wai ; Chung, Tony K. H. Presentation
82008Effects of sexual abuse prevention programs for Chinese children and adolescentsProf. TANG So Kum, Catherine Presentation
92008Exploring the relationships of exposure to family violence and cyberbullying victimization to depressive symptoms among adolescentsLoke, W. ItemCrisRefDisplayStrategy.rp.ex-staff.icon; Prof. TANG So Kum, Catherine Presentation
102008Psychosocial and cognitive characteristics of Chinese treatment-seeking problem gamblersProf. TANG So Kum, Catherine ; Wu, Anise M. S. ; Tang, Joe Y. C. Presentation