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Title: The gender differences in metaverse : A study of university art & design students
Authors: Dr. LAU Kung Wong 
Issue Date: 2014
Source: Open journal of art and communication, 2014, vol. 1(1), pp. 14-19.
Journal: Open journal of art and communication 
Abstract: There is no strong evidence hitherto supporting the males have more competency on using computer than females do, however, gender differences in the use of online learning have been a controversial topic especially since the popularity of shared virtual learning platform like metaverse. In this paper, I am not going to investigate the differences between males and females in using computers as the previous research did, but rather looking at, is there any clear gender differences in E-Learning in particular to the learning in metaverse? An empirical research has been carried out with a pilot lesson in the metaverse and a set of post-lesson online interviews to study the gender differences in a selected metaverse. Although the findings showed no significant gender differences in operating avatars and the system, a clear gender differences in choosing avatars as well as art & design students’ virtual identities have been identified. This gender awareness of choosing avatars can potentially influence art & design students’ learning experience, which is one of the essential areas for studying gender differences in metaverse for further exploration.
Type: Peer Reviewed Journal Article
Appears in Collections:Journalism & Communication - Publication

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