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Title: Study of the correlation between solid colours measured by spectrophotometer and DigiEye
Authors: Lau, L. N. 
Kan, Chi Wai 
Lam, I. H. L. 
Murrells, C. M. 
Yuen, C. W. M. 
Dr. LAU Kung Wong 
Issue Date: 2011
Source: Lau, L. N., Kan, C. W., Lam, I. H. L., Murrells, C. M., Yuen, C. W. M., & Lau, K. W. (2011). Study of the correlation between solid colours measured by spectrophotometer and DigiEye. TheĀ First International Congress of Interdisciplinary Research and Development, Bangkok, Thailand.
Conference: The First International Conference on Interdisciplinary Research and Development 
Type: Conference Paper
Appears in Collections:Journalism & Communication - Publication

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