Dr. LUI Chit Ying, Wendy

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Assistant Academic Vice President
Associate Professor
Dr. LUI Chit Ying, Wendy
Chinese Name
Personal Site
Research Interests
Restorative justice
Interdisciplinary / Evidenced-based research
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Results 1-10 of 10

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Type
12024Women's rights in the Muslim societies and jurisdictionDr. TANG Chi Ho, Edward ; Dr. LUI Chit Ying, Wendy Book Chapter
22023Restorative justice in Hong Kong -- a research study on the struggle between retribution and restorationDr. LUI Chit Ying, Wendy Peer Reviewed Journal Article
32021Comparing the implementation of restorative justice in the inquisitorial system of China with the adversarial tradition in Hong KongDr. LUI Chit Ying, Wendy Book Chapter
42019Application of restorative justice in education setting-blooming hope the fall of restorative justice development in Hong KongDr. LUI Chit Ying, Wendy ; Wong, Dennis S. W. Book Chapter
52019Book review: Restorative justice in China: Comparing theory and practiceDr. LUI Chit Ying, Wendy Book Review
62018Restorative justice in Chinese communities: Cultural-specific skills and challengesWong, Dennis S. W. ; Dr. LUI Chit Ying, Wendy Book Chapter
72018Retribution or restoration: The Struggle in the development of restorative justice mediation in Hong KongDr. LUI Chit Ying, Wendy Conference Paper
82017Destruction of mediator's notes: Is there really a need?Dr. LUI Chit Ying, Wendy ; Iu, Ting Kwok Peer Reviewed Journal Article
102014The rebirth of accreditation: A case of Hong KongDr. LUI Chit Ying, Wendy Peer Reviewed Journal Article

Results 1-2 of 2