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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Type | |
1 | 2011 | 從汶川地震的論述分析探討香港的身份認同 | 梁家寶 | Thesis |
2 | 2010 | 國家宣傳與媒體現實呈現 : 以國家奧運金牌運動員訪港為例 | 胡巧媚 | Thesis |
3 | 2011 | 探討網上議題設定對香港報章議題設定的影響 = A preliminary study of how online agenda influences newspaper agenda in Hong Kong | 方嘉盛 | Thesis |
4 | 2011 | 突發記者生涯苦與樂 | 勞雅文 | Thesis |
5 | 2011 | 記者逃亡潮 = Reporters 'flee' | 林裕華 | Thesis |
6 | 2014 | 消息來源與新聞客觀性的關係初探 : 以《蘋果日報》2013貨櫃碼頭工潮新聞報導作例子 | 蔡曉銳 | Thesis |
7 | 2008 | 從陳冠希事件看到新聞娛樂化 | 伍卓軒 | Thesis |
8 | 2015 | 探討報章新聞報導之偏見 : 以蘋果日報「佔中」報導之標題為中心 = Bias in the newspaper : how Apple Daily makes use of titles to cover the "Occupy Central Movement" | 劉嘉寶 | Thesis |
- 1 Electronic newspapers China Hong ...
- 1 Journalism China Hong Kong.
- 1 Journalism Objectivity China Hong...
- 1 Journalism Social aspects China H...
- 1 Journalists China Hong Kong.
- 1 Journalists Employment China Hong...
- 1 Mass media China Hong Kong.
- 1 Occupy movement China Hong Kong.
- 1 Protest movements China Hong Kong.
- 1 Wenchuan Earthquake, China, 2008.
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