Item hits:
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Type | |
1 | 2016 | A study on the relationship among marital conflict resolution style, mother-in-law and daughter-in-law relationship and marital satisfaction of the married women in Hong Kong | Tam, Sze Nga | Thesis |
2 | 2016 | 抗戰初期國民黨在香港的黨務活動 | 張宇楷 | Thesis |
3 | 2016 | 20世紀80年代至21世紀中國空軍戰機之發展 | 劉銘揚 | Thesis |
4 | 2016 | 1928年日本聯合艦隊訪問香港之透視 | 麥繼亮 | Thesis |
5 | 2016 | 「叮叮」故事 : 香港電車百年史略 | 梁俊邦 | Thesis |
6 | 2016 | 翻譯與知識傳播 : 試以十九世紀中、後期中國官方機構之出版物為例 | 唐偉麟 | Thesis |
7 | 2016 | 從傳統史著與歷代小說探討隋煬帝皇后蕭氏形象之真偽 | 吳嘉瑤 | Thesis |
8 | 2016 | 保良局特殊教育發展 (1962-1997) | 陳嘉慧 | Thesis |
9 | 2016 | 淺探廣東士人集團在明代的發展趨勢與貢獻 | 何卓帆 | Thesis |
10 | 2016 | 曹植與庾信辭賦比較研究 | 蔡詠詩 | Thesis |
- 6 Social psychology.
- 5 Interpersonal relations China Hon...
- 3 Online social networks Psychologi...
- 3 Real property China Hong Kong.
- 3 Self-esteem in adolescence China ...
- 3 Shi jing.
- 3 Well-being Psychological aspects.
- 3 司馬遷, approximately 145 B.C.-appro...
- 2 Chinese literature Criticism and ...
- 2 Cyberbullying China Hong Kong.
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