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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Type
12017Hedging effectiveness of precious metals against Asia-Pacific stock markets : application of multivariate GARCH models陳昌建 ; Hong Kong Shue Yan University. Dept. of Economics and Finance Thesis
22017To see with eyes unclouded : deep ecology, ecofeminism, and Hayao Miyazaki's Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind (1984) and Princess Mononoke (1997)Leung, Chun Kit Thesis
32017History and apocalyptic violence : the Leda myth in D. H. Lawrence, Yeats and H. D.Law, Wing Ki Thesis
42017銅器銘文中西周王室與諸族戰爭研究冼芍敏 ; 香港樹仁大學. 中國語言文學系 Thesis
52017論晉六朝至唐代志怪小說中劍的文化意蘊顏莉翔 ; 香港樹仁大學. 中國語言文學系 Thesis
62017《聊齋誌異》中狐女的女權思想是否由父權主義作主導王穎琪 ; 香港樹仁大學. 中國語言文學系 Thesis
72017What's the catch? : absurdity in Catch-22 and Slaughterhouse-FiveWong, Wing Hong Thesis
82017乾泰隆與近代香港經濟 (1900-1950)鍾勇宏 Thesis
92017An international study in housing affordability賴佩琪 ; Hong Kong Shue Yan University. Dept. of Economics and Finance Thesis
102017蝴蝶冊 = Wish from the butterfly馬卓爾 ; 香港樹仁大學. 新聞與傳播學系 Thesis