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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Type
12015Mobile phone addictionProf. LEUNG Wing Chi, Louis ; Dr. LIANG Jingwen Book Chapter
22014新媒體與青少年研究梁永熾教授 ; 梁靖雯博士 ; Zhao, M. Book Chapter
31999Seeking news via the pager: An expectancy-value studyProf. LEUNG Wing Chi, Louis ; Wei, Ran Peer Reviewed Journal Article
42018Social media and political partisanship - A subaltern public sphere's role in democracyLee, Paul S. N. ; So, Clement Y. K. ; Lee, Francis L. F. ; Prof. LEUNG Wing Chi, Louis ; Chan, Michael Peer Reviewed Journal Article
52011Gratifications, collective self-esteem, online emotional openness, and traitlike communication apprehension as predictors of Facebook usesZhang, Yin ; Tang, Leo Shing-Tung ; Prof. LEUNG Wing Chi, Louis Peer Reviewed Journal Article
62019E-health/m-health adoption and lifestyle improvements: Exploring the roles of technology readiness, the expectation-confirmation model, and health-related information activitiesProf. LEUNG Wing Chi, Louis ; Chen, Cheng Peer Reviewed Journal Article
72012Impact of Internet literacy, Internet addiction symptoms, and Internet activities on academic performanceProf. LEUNG Wing Chi, Louis ; Lee, Paul S. N. Peer Reviewed Journal Article
82001College student motives for chatting on ICQProf. LEUNG Wing Chi, Louis Peer Reviewed Journal Article
92008Assessing the displacement effects of the InternetLee, Paul S. N. ; Prof. LEUNG Wing Chi, Louis Peer Reviewed Journal Article
102015Social network service use on mobile devices: An examination of gratifications, civic attitudes and civic engagement in ChinaCheng, Yang ; Liang, Jingwen ; Prof. LEUNG Wing Chi, Louis Peer Reviewed Journal Article