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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Type
12017Psychopathy moderates the relationship between orbitofrontal and striatal alterations and violence: the investigation of individuals accused of homicideDr. LAM Yin-Hung, Bess ; Yang, Yaling ; Schug, Robert A. ; Han, Chenbo ; Liu, Jianghong ; Lee, Tatia M. C. Peer Reviewed Journal Article
22012Distinct neural activity associated with focused-attention meditation and loving-kindness meditationLee, Tatia M. C. ; Dr. LEUNG Mei-kei, Miki ; Hou, Wai Kai ; Tang, Joey C. Y. ; Yin, Jing ; So, Kwok-Fai ; Lee, Chack-Fan ; Chan, Chetwyn C. H. Peer Reviewed Journal Article
32018Potential mechanisms of mindfulness in improving sleep and distressLau, Way K. W. ; Dr. LEUNG Mei-kei, Miki ; Wing, Yun-Kwok ; Lee, Tatia M. C. Peer Reviewed Journal Article
42013I want to lie about not knowing you, but my precuneus refuses to cooperateLee, Tatia M. C. ; Dr. LEUNG Mei-kei, Miki ; Lee, Tiffany M. Y. ; Raine, Adrian ; Chan, Chetwyn C. H. Peer Reviewed Journal Article
52014The relationship between neurocognition and symptomatology in people with schizophrenia: social cognition as the mediatorDr. LAM Yin-Hung, Bess ; Raine, Adrian ; Lee, Tatia M. C. Peer Reviewed Journal Article
62021Common and distinct neural trends of allocentric and egocentric spatial coding: an ALE meta-analysisDerbie, Abiot ; Chau, Bolton K. H. ; Wong, Clive H. Y. ; Chen, Li-Dian ; Ting, Kin-Hung ; Dr. LAM Yin-Hung, Bess ; Lee, Tatia M. C. ; Chan, Chetwyn C. H. ; Smith, Yoland Peer Reviewed Journal Article
72020Caregivers' grit moderates the relationship between children's executive function and aggressionDr. LAM Yin-Hung, Bess ; Raine, Adrian ; Fung, Annis Lai Chu ; Gao, Yu ; Lee, Tatia M. C. Peer Reviewed Journal Article
82016Facial emotion perception impairments in schizophrenia patients with comorbid antisocial personality disorderTang, Dorothy Y. Y. ; Liu, Amy C. Y. ; Lui, Simon S. Y. ; Dr. LAM Yin-Hung, Bess ; Siu, Bonnie W. M. ; Lee, Tatia M. C. ; Cheung, Eric F. C. Peer Reviewed Journal Article
92024Multimodal digital assessment of depression with actigraphy and app in Hong Kong ChineseChen, Jie ; Chan, Ngan Yin ; Li, Chun Tung ; Chan, Joey W. Y. ; Liu, Yaping ; Li, Shirley Xin ; Chau, Steven W. H. ; Prof. LEUNG Kwong Sak ; Heng, Pheng-Ann ; Lee, Tatia M. C. ; Li, Tim M. H. ; Wing, Yun-Kwok Peer Reviewed Journal Article
102016Effect of theory of mind and peer victimization on the schizotype-aggression relationshipDr. LAM Yin-Hung, Bess ; Raine, Adrian ; Lee, Tatia M. C. Peer Reviewed Journal Article