Conference Materials

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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Type
11996HIV/AIDS knowledge among high risk Chinese adolescents in Hong Kong: implications of a prevention programDavis, Cindy ; Prof. TANG So Kum, Catherine Conference Paper
21996Marijuana and heroine use in Hong Kong adolescents: Psychosocial differences between occasional and regular usersWong, C. ; Prof. TANG So Kum, Catherine Conference Paper
31995A longitudinal study on daily hassles, dysfunctional attitudes and depressionWong, M. ; Prof. TANG So Kum, Catherine Conference Paper
41998Discovering nonlinear-integral networks from databases using evolutionary computation and Minimum Description Length principleProf. LEUNG Kwong Sak ; Wong M.L. ; Lam W. ; Wang Zhenyuan Conference Paper
51996A novel encoding strategy for associative memoryJi, Han-Bing ; Prof. LEUNG Kwong Sak ; Leung, Yee Conference Paper
61994A modified edge recombination operator for the travelling salesman problemTang, Anthony Yiu-Cheung ; Prof. LEUNG Kwong Sak Conference Paper
71998中外文化交融下香港文化之新運: 羅香林教授中外文化交流的觀點區志堅博士 Conference Paper
81997五代的樞密院和樞密使羅永生博士 Conference Paper
91998Social factors affecting post-treatment drug use in Hong Kong: A test of three theories of devianceProf. CHEUNG Yuet-Wah Conference Paper
101997Alcohol use and alcohol problems in Hong KongProf. CHEUNG Yuet-Wah Conference Paper