
Results 20201-20250 of 20901
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Journal's titleISSN
Journal of the European Association of Languages for Specific Purposes (Iberica)1139-7241
Asia Pacific Journal of Social Work and Development0218-5385
Cognition and Instruction0737-0008
Open Journal of Social Sciences2327-5952; 2327-5960
Electronic Commerce Research and Applications1873-7846; 1567-4223
Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science: Bridging Asia and the world2163-9167; 2163-9159
Asian Journal of Business Research1178-8933
Journal of Global Fashion Marketing: Bridging Fashion and Marketing2093-2685
Journal of Educational Sciences & Psychology2247-6377
GSTF Journal on Business Review2010-4804
Philosophical Practice and Counseling (Korean Society of Philosophical Practice)2093-9477
Journal of Chinese Dietary Culture = 中國飲食文化1811-9301
Small Enterprise Development (Enterprise Development and Microfinance)0957-1329
文化研究 = Router: A Journal of Cultural Studies1816-0514
神州交流 = Chinese Cross Currents1810-147X
New Zealand Journal of Asian Studies1174-8915
Berliner China-Hefte1860-2290
Modern China0097-7004
European Planning Studies0965-4313
Journal of Anthropological Society of Oxford0044-8370
Asian Anthropology1683-478X
歷史人類學學刊 = Journal of History and Anthropology1682-7880
China Journal1324-9347
香港教師中心學報 = Hong Kong Teachers' Centre Journal1682-8984
GSTF Journal on Computing2251-3043
Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology0975-4350; 0975-4172
Global Journal of Management and Business Research0975-5853
World Journal of Management1838-3726; 1836-070X
Global Economy and Finance Journal1834-5883; 1834-5891
IBIMA Business Review1947-3788
Journal of China Marketing2058-2943
NameVenueStart DateEnd DateType
“Centre of Interdisciplinary Research in Evidence-Based Practice” 2018 Lecture & Workshop SeriesResearch Complex, RLB 30301-03-201801-03-2018Lecture
The 15th International Conference on Electronic Business06-12-201510-12-2015Conference
歷史學系大眾史學講座系列 ─ 美國的「東方想像」 :「新清史」香港樹仁大學研究院綜合大樓 RKB50224-02-201824-02-2018Lecture
歷史學系大眾史學講座系列 ─ 細說澳門一二.三事件香港樹仁大學研究院綜合大樓低座RLB502演講室24-02-201824-02-2018Lecture
歷史學系大眾史學講座系列 ─ 「不能忽略的隋朝」香港樹仁大學研究院綜合大樓低座RLB502演講室24-03-201824-03-2018Lecture
"Centre of Interdisciplinary Research in Evidence-Based Practice” 2018 Workshop SeriesRLG 309, HKSYU Research Complex08-03-021808-03-0218Workshop
The Extended Family as a “White Lie”: Competing Family Ideals in Qing Taiwan Family Division Contracts14-03-201814-03-2018Seminar
Integrating Evidence-Based PracticeHKSYU Research Complex, RHB20923-03-201823-03-2018Lecture
歷史學系大眾史學講座系列 ─ 由『傑佬』到『laughing哥』:從警匪片看香港警隊與社會發展香港樹仁大學研究院綜合大樓低座RLB502演講室24-03-201824-03-2018Lecture
Positive Neuroscience: Genes and Well-beingE0311, Jockey Club Campus, OUHKSeminar
11th International Business Information Management Association (IBIMA) ConferenceConference