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Title: Building up resilient schools: Meeting the challenge of guidance and discipline in Hong Kong secondary schools
Authors: Prof. HUE Ming Tak 
Issue Date: 2009
Source: Hue, Ming Tak (2009 Sep). Building up resilient schools: Meeting the challenge of guidance and discipline in Hong Kong secondary schools. ICER 2009, Khon Kaen University, Thailand.
Conference: International Conference on Educational Research 2009 
Abstract: Hong Kong secondary schools are concerned about the prevalence of student misbehavior. This paper reports the finding of a study investigating the characteristics of a resilient school and how resiliency was developed. Case studies of four secondary schools were conducted using interviews and textual analysis. Teacher and student discourses on discipline and resiliency were explored from the perspective of social constructivism. The narrative approach will also be employed (Clandinin & Connelly, 1995). The similarities and differences between school features were identified. Qualitative data from interviews and school texts, i.e., data concerning the school ethos, school rules, policy on behavior management, and the handbook for the school guidance team and school discipline team, were collected. Themes generated from the data were analysed, with the use of Grounded Theory Approach (Glaser & Strauss, 1967). The findings have shown that the narratives of school participants revealed the features of school resiliency, which could be built up with the dynamics of school, home, police force and social workers. Implications for the development of guidance and discipline policies and that of resiliency programme will be given. There will also be policy implications for the enrichment of teacher training programs.
Type: Conference Paper
Appears in Collections:Counselling and Psychology - Publication

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