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Title: Conclusion: Moving school counselling forward
Authors: Prof. HUE Ming Tak 
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: Routledge
Source: In Hue, Ming Tak (Ed.). 2017. School counselling in a Chinese context: Supporting students in need in Hong Kong (pp. 171-179). Routledge.
Abstract: This chapter highlights key elements of school counselling in the context of Hong Kong schools. It is suggested that effective counselling can be promoted through i) strengthening the caring roles of classroom teachers; ii) collaborating with different stakeholders and professional parties; iii) addressing the professional development needs of counselling teachers; iv) developing whole-school counselling programmes; and v) recognizing the cultural infl uence on school counselling. It has been shown that the cultural infl uence on school counselling should be made more explicit. As indicated in previous chapters, this infl uence is still noticeable in Hong Kong schools, even though the models of counselling and their applications in Hong Kong schools are adapted from Western societies. It further echoes evidence that cultural values have traceable effects on how teachers think about helping and counselling, and how school counselling should be organizationally arranged. The implications for future research are then given.
Type: Book Chapter
ISBN: 9781315721019
Appears in Collections:Counselling and Psychology - Publication

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