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Title: Inclusive education: Equal opportunities for all
Authors: Prof. HUE Ming Tak 
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: Routledge
Source: In Kennedy, Kerry J., Pavlova, Margarita & Lee, John Chi Kin (Eds.). 2023. Soft skills and hard values meeting: Education's 21st century challenges. Routledge.
Abstract: Unprecedented developments in communication and technology have resulted in numerous opportunities for personal and professional contact. The emerging trend of actual and virtual spaces for professional engagement demands that younger generations be equipped with values and skills that govern their everyday interactions with people from diverse backgrounds. Although determining the role of education in preparing future generations should be straightforward, devising inclusive education and supporting students with diverse educational needs in schools is demanding. This chapter investigates the intersection of inclusive education, soft skills and hard values and situates the discussion in the educational context of Hong Kong. It identifies the issues and challenges of inclusion in Hong Kong’s education system and underscores the lack of focus on soft skills and values in education. It then proposes ways to cultivate soft skills and values among students and teachers to promote inclusive education in the city. In addition, this chapter highlights possible ways that schools can prepare students with special educational needs for a competitive working environment and offer equal learning opportunities for all students.
Type: Book Chapter
ISBN: 9781032113364
Appears in Collections:Counselling and Psychology - Publication

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