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Title: An expert system for the detection of cervical cancer cells using knowledge-based image analyzer
Authors: Chan, Samuel W. K. 
Prof. LEUNG Kwong Sak 
Wong, W.S. Felix 
Issue Date: 1996
Publisher: Elsevier B.V.
Source: Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, 1996, vol. 8 (1), pp. 67 - 90
Journal: Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 
Abstract: Analyzing for abnormalities of cell images in the cervix uteri provides a basis for reducing deaths and morbidity from cervical cancer through detection of potentially cancerous cells, provision of prompt advice and opportunities for follow-up and treatments. However, cytopathology is usually based on subjective interpretation of morphological features. Arbitrary criteria have to be devised for their classifications. Subjective interpretations of such criteria are likely to result in diagnostic shifts and consequently disagreement occurs between different interpreters. This article presents a novel approach to the composition of segmentation and diagnosis processes for biomedical image analysis. A prototype expert system has been developed to provide an objective and reliable tool to gynaecologists. Special image analyzing techniques are used and a set of knowledge sources is designed. The expert system employs a robust control strategy which minimizes the amount of domain-specific control knowledge. It has been proved to work effectively in the detection of cervical cancer. Analyzing for abnormalities of cell images in the cervix uteri provides a basis for reducing deaths and morbidity from cervical cancer through detection of potentially cancerous cells, provision of prompt advice and opportunities for follow-up and treatments. However, cytopathology is usually based on subjective interpretation of morphological features. Arbitrary criteria have to be devised for their classifications. Subjective interpretations of such criteria are likely to result in diagnostic shifts and consequently disagreement occurs between different interpreters. This article presents a novel approach to the composition of segmentation and diagnosis processes for biomedical image analysis. A prototype expert system has been developed to provide an objective and reliable tool to gynaecologists. Special image analyzing techniques are used and a set of knowledge sources is designed. The expert system employs a robust control strategy which minimizes the amount of domain-specific control knowledge. It has been proved to work effectively in the detection of cervical cancer.
Type: Peer Reviewed Journal Article
ISSN: 09333657
DOI: 10.1016/0933-3657(95)00021-6
Appears in Collections:Applied Data Science - Publication

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