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Title: ViRBase: a resource for virus–host ncRNA-associated interactions
Authors: Li, Yanhui 
Wang, Changliang 
Miao, Zhengqiang 
Bi, Xiaoman 
Wu, Deng 
Jin, Nana 
Wang, Liqiang 
Wu, Hao 
Qian, Kun 
Li, Chunhua 
Zhang, Ting 
Zhang, Chunrui 
Yi, Ying 
Lai, Hongyan 
Hu, Yongfei 
Cheng, Lixin 
Prof. LEUNG Kwong Sak 
Li, Xiaobao 
Zhang, Fengmin 
Li, Kongning 
Li, Xia 
Wang, Dong 
Issue Date: 2015
Source: Nucleic Acids Research, 2015,, Volume 43 (D1) , pp. D578–D582,
Journal: Nucleic Acids Research 
Abstract: Increasing evidence reveals that diverse non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) play critically important roles in viral infection. Viruses can use diverse ncRNAs to manipulate both cellular and viral gene expression to establish a host environment conducive to the completion of the viral life cycle. Many host cellular ncRNAs can also directly or indirectly influence viral replication and even target virus genomes. ViRBase ( aims to provide the scientific community with a resource for efficient browsing and visualization of virus-host ncRNA-associated interactions and interaction networks in viral infection. The current version of ViRBase documents more than 12 000 viral and cellular ncRNA-associated virus–virus, virus–host, host–virus and host–host interactions involving more than 460 non-redundant ncRNAs and 4400 protein-coding genes from between more than 60 viruses and 20 hosts. Users can query, browse and manipulate these virus–host ncRNA-associated interactions. ViRBase will be of help in uncovering the generic organizing principles of cellular virus–host ncRNA-associated interaction networks in viral infection.
Type: Peer Reviewed Journal Article
ISSN: 1362-4962
DOI: 10.1093/nar/gku903
Appears in Collections:Applied Data Science - Publication

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