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Title: Working the system: Motion picture, filmmakers, and subjectivities in Mao-era China, 1949-1966
Other Titles: 制度下掌舵: 1949至1966年毛澤東時代電影、電影製作人與主體性的探析
Authors: Prof. HE Qiliang 
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press
Source: He, Q. (2023). Working the system: Motion picture, filmmakers, and subjectivities in Mao-era China, 1949-1966. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press.
Abstract: In Working the System: Motion Picture, Filmmakers, and Subjectivities in Mao-Era China, 1949–1966, Qiliang He inquired into the making of the new citizenry in Mao-era China (1949–1976) by studying five preeminent Shanghai-based filmmakers. These case studies shed light on how individuals’ subjectivities took shape in the cinematic arena under a new sociopolitical system after 1949. He suggests that a filmmaker’s subjectivity was not fixed or stable but constantly in flux, requiring a host of “subjectivizing practices” to (re)shape and consolidate it. These filmmakers endeavored to reap maximal benefits from Mao’s sociopolitical system and minimize the disadvantages that would make them victims under the system. In short, Qiliang He argues that the filmmakers not only worked under the socialist system imposed upon them but also worked the system in their best interests.
Type: Book
ISBN: 978-988-8805-60-0
Appears in Collections:History - Publication

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