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Title: Vicarious traumatization: latest challenge of Hong Kong teacher
Authors: Li, Yiu Cheung 
Issue Date: 2020
Publisher: Hong Kong: Hong Kong Shue Yan University
Abstract: In 2019, Hong Kong had outbroken the biggest social movement in half century together with the biggest global pandemic in a century. The stress and distress of student raised to the new high, and teacher is the most reachable resource and support for student. Meanwhile, counselling training is not including in teacher registration requirements. Unequipped teacher expose to traumatized student is suspected to be suffered from vicarious traumatization. The result confirmed that the secondary trauma stress of Hong Kong teacher had reached to a worrying level. Meanwhile, the result also revealed that student trauma encountered could raise the compassion satisfaction of teacher in some of the trauma types if the teacher had received counselling training. The result suggested that counselling training and self-care could help Hong Kong teacher to gain psychological protection and get better prepared for the current and future challenges.
Description: 83 pages
Type: Thesis
Appears in Collections:Counselling and Psychology - Theses

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